2004-11-24 00:37:00
I did see a few and I think those guys are decent. They are way better than some
Chinese guys here who think of themselves higher than black but lower than white
(subconsciously)... :)
Now we see who are racial.
And I saw Chinese guys with black girls as well. Anyone has problems with that?
Chinese guys here who think of themselves higher than black but lower than white
(subconsciously)... :)
Now we see who are racial.
And I saw Chinese guys with black girls as well. Anyone has problems with that?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 0:42:20编辑过]
not totally true. Fair skin is only popular in Asia. And mixture babies are somewhat
cuter. You have to admit that. Compared to an ugly baby with fair skin, it may
not be too bad to have a cute baby with darker skin...
I just wanted to say race really should not be a problem when you judge other
people's relationhsip or marriage or their family. Don't think I was saying
mixture is good anyway...
cuter. You have to admit that. Compared to an ugly baby with fair skin, it may
not be too bad to have a cute baby with darker skin...
I just wanted to say race really should not be a problem when you judge other
people's relationhsip or marriage or their family. Don't think I was saying
mixture is good anyway...
I don't think there are too many girls who are really determined to marry an
American husband or have a mixture baby. Sometimes people meet by chance.
And you have to admit in Ph.D or master programs, there are much more white
guys than black guys. It may be true for most higher level jobs as well. This is
a matter of fact in this country, which leads to the results that Chinese girls have
more chance to get involved with white guys than black, more or less....
American husband or have a mixture baby. Sometimes people meet by chance.
And you have to admit in Ph.D or master programs, there are much more white
guys than black guys. It may be true for most higher level jobs as well. This is
a matter of fact in this country, which leads to the results that Chinese girls have
more chance to get involved with white guys than black, more or less....
以下是引用woshihai在2004-11-24 10:15:31的发言:
It is ok, GG. You are worried too much. If some girls really like green cards, let
them have it. They have the right to live their own lives, in the way they like...
them have it. They have the right to live their own lives, in the way they like...
I don't think so. For some MMs, GC is their first priority. It doesn't matter black, white, young or old.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 10:51:32编辑过]
You have weird logic anyway, so most people will have one thing or the other out of
your logic.
Your logic is Chinese girls should only date Chinese guys. If they are dating non
Chinese, that is because they cannot find a Chinese to date. Either guys are too
good for them, or not good enough for them. Anyway, some Chinese girls are
doomed to date non-chinese. I feel lucky for them. They
came here so they save themselves. If they were in China, they may never get Married! Man, what a joke!
it is a girl's fault to date a non-Chinese. Why is she not good enough for some
CHinese guys? Why is she too good for the rest? Is it your point?
your logic.
Your logic is Chinese girls should only date Chinese guys. If they are dating non
Chinese, that is because they cannot find a Chinese to date. Either guys are too
good for them, or not good enough for them. Anyway, some Chinese girls are
doomed to date non-chinese. I feel lucky for them. They
came here so they save themselves. If they were in China, they may never get Married! Man, what a joke!
it is a girl's fault to date a non-Chinese. Why is she not good enough for some
CHinese guys? Why is she too good for the rest? Is it your point?
以下是引用zegnia在2004-11-24 19:20:48的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 20:16:13编辑过]
I don't mean to be harsh to people or anything like that. It is ok that everyone has
his own opions about things. But when you bring them out, double check.
When we come to this foreign country, we know we will talk to foreigns, study with
them, work with them, so why is it so wrong to fall in love with them? Should there
really be a line that we cannot cross? Even if some girls go for green card or
whatever, how about other people? We really don't want a green card? Was it
more or less part of our goal when we decided to leave our own counrty?
I just don't like people who always start statements with "you chinese girls here"
or "those girls dating foreigns", blah blah blah. You are shooting a whole group by
saying so, which is not right in most cases.
his own opions about things. But when you bring them out, double check.
When we come to this foreign country, we know we will talk to foreigns, study with
them, work with them, so why is it so wrong to fall in love with them? Should there
really be a line that we cannot cross? Even if some girls go for green card or
whatever, how about other people? We really don't want a green card? Was it
more or less part of our goal when we decided to leave our own counrty?
I just don't like people who always start statements with "you chinese girls here"
or "those girls dating foreigns", blah blah blah. You are shooting a whole group by
saying so, which is not right in most cases.
以下是引用layala在2004-11-24 20:12:50的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 20:26:54编辑过]
Sure. I find it idiotic as well. :) Everyone has a happy holiday, no matter what. :)
BTW, do you end every your post with a ? It is sweet...
BTW, do you end every your post with a ? It is sweet...
以下是引用layala在2004-11-24 20:28:10的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 20:40:06编辑过]
No one here cares about your logic, really. Most people are telling you you are superfacial and
narrow, so I think we made our point. You can keep following your "logic", which we don't
understand anyway. Have fun with your dream girl, whom we wish you can find anytime soon. :)
You are really too weird to discuss anything... Are you from another planet? :)
narrow, so I think we made our point. You can keep following your "logic", which we don't
understand anyway. Have fun with your dream girl, whom we wish you can find anytime soon. :)
You are really too weird to discuss anything... Are you from another planet? :)
以下是引用zegnia在2004-11-29 23:19:01的发言:
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