回复 [url=]16楼newacct的帖子[/url]
IRS...usually the case is the company withhold those tax for IRS and state right? in her case, it is just paying the IRS and State directly without the middleman.
lee229 发表于 3/13/2014 3:40:20 PM [url=][/url]
IRS...usually the case is the company withhold those tax for IRS and state right? in her case, it is just paying the IRS and State directly without the middleman.
lee229 发表于 3/13/2014 3:40:20 PM [url=][/url]
No. You cannot pay the IRS. It is the company's responsibility to pay IRS.
回复 [url=]23楼treepose的帖子[/url]
SS tax is withheld.
Company responsible for half of it. What we see on our paychecks is the other half.
Each is responsible. if it is not deducted in your paycheck, it's your responsibility to fulfill your part of the obligation. Such FICA tax should be reported and paid by the time you file your tax return.
yayamakeawish 发表于 3/17/2014 9:21:44 PM [url=][/url]
SS tax is withheld.
Company responsible for half of it. What we see on our paychecks is the other half.
Each is responsible. if it is not deducted in your paycheck, it's your responsibility to fulfill your part of the obligation. Such FICA tax should be reported and paid by the time you file your tax return.
yayamakeawish 发表于 3/17/2014 9:21:44 PM [url=][/url]
No. It is the COMPANY'S RESPONSIBILITY. Not yours.
Collecting underwithheld taxes from employees. If you withheld no income, social security, or Medicare taxes or less than the correct amount from an employee's wages, you can make it up from later pay to that employee. But you [the employer] are the one who owes the underpayment. Reimbursement is a matter for settlement between you and the employee.
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