2004-12-10 22:58:00
不,我的问题是,当我的BILLING CYCLE END的时候,那个在INVESTIGATE的那笔钱应该不在应付款内的吧?是自动会剔除的吗?还是需要我再打电话去?
I had the same problem last time, some one was using my credit to make phone calls while I still have the card with me...The credit card company called me and asked me whether I made those transactions. After I told them I did not. They terminted that card and issue me a new one. However, the charge still showed up on my statement. They mailed a form for me to conplete to indicate which charge is not mine and they credit me for that amount after they received it.
btw, I paid for the entire amount for the billing and credit card company credit the amount the next billing cycle.
I think you should call them again and get advise from them and remember to wirte down the person's name you talked to and time you called.
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