2009-01-30 10:10:00
Was there any political killing in 1979? I would believe it if it was during the culture revolution, but in 1979 I don't think so.
I do remember those posters printed in bold black letters hanging aound to announce the verdicts to the crimials tho. Becuase it usually came with photos that's why i was so impressed.
虽然我没有看过, 但是如果有不会惊讶。 这个是自古以来的传统。 文革的时候这种事还是满多的, 1979年was only a couple years after the Cultural Revolution was over. And also I remember even in early 80s there was something called "yan2da3" when many were prosecuted due to minor crimes and remembered people were telling me about this type of 公审大会。
That's not exactly the point. The point is she's talking about political killings in 1979 here. I heard Yan Da also, even tho I also agree that it was way to harsh but it's not politial killings.
如果真的只犯了这么点,真的冤。。。不过么, 我偏向于不只犯这么点
Read a thread somewhere earlier says that the mayer's son of shanghai was also executed during yan da because of 流氓罪. There was rumers that the once famous actress Gong xue had also got involved.
Ok. I get your point. Wasn't there a term called "反革命犯" before? When was it abandoned? I believe it was definitely after 1979.
how could I know?
No wonder she left China in a hurry.
The movie actor Chi Zhi Qiang was another famous case during that period, although he wasn't sentenced to death. Rumors had it that he offended the daughter of a general in Nanjing Jun Qu when they were dating.
She delivered a formal announcement to deny when the rumors were circulating in shanghai then. I dont know if it was the reason she left china, many actresses did the same thing at that time anyway.
In an interview with chi zhi qiang I read earlier, he did get involved with a general's daughter but they were in a pretty good relationship when he was arrested.
龚雪也被流氓过? 不知道诶
I was shocked too. She was one of my mon's fav.
To please some ppl by saying whatever they want to hear.
I don't think it's big deal, as long as they are telling the truth. Doesn't matter who said it.
could you provide any solid evidence shows that there were political killings in 1979 and they were conducted the way she described? and don't forget, she said she witnessed the scene several times when she was 5, 6 year old.
If those were not POLITICAL KILLINGS, what she said here was just a lie.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-30 12:17:56编辑过]
I don't have any solid evidence from my personal experience, but this is what I found from googling-
By reading the case you posted, I didn't see there's anything to do with POLITICS. It is a 贪污案, ok?
I also said don't you forget she mentioned she witnessed SEVERAL POLITICAL KILLINGS during an at most 2-year period. Do you really believe it is the case?
Sorry, although I appreciate you've spend your time to do the research but I wasn't convinced at all.
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