2004-08-02 11:32:00
I guess it is about 1/2. Just weird guess.
BTW, how is the last one turned out?
BTW, how is the last one turned out?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-2 11:32:59编辑过]
以下是引用rbbear在2004-8-2 11:37:29的发言:
Still waiting. It is just 2 business days since I finished the onsite and the hiring manager told me to wait for a couple of weeks. Don't know what the regular time is to make a decision. The company is still doing phone interview with other candidates while talking with me face to face. The hiring manager and HR people said they have several opening, and I'm the 4th people to do the onsite.
Thanks for your concern.
Still waiting. It is just 2 business days since I finished the onsite and the hiring manager told me to wait for a couple of weeks. Don't know what the regular time is to make a decision. The company is still doing phone interview with other candidates while talking with me face to face. The hiring manager and HR people said they have several opening, and I'm the 4th people to do the onsite.
Thanks for your concern.
I might want to take back by comments. Not sure about IT related job. In my field, never seen kind of selection of 1 out 5 or 6, cause HR screened resumes by likely 3 out of over 50 or something. All other resumes without background will be collecting dust. Most often, capable people got 2 to 3 offers at the same time and HR has to make a counterbid like an idiot.
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