question - balance transfer
2006-12-05 20:38:00
i borrowed some $$ from credit card with 0% interest for 12 months. after that 12 months, if i want to transfer the balance to another credit card, what should i do? i mean, can I get another card with 0% if I owe another card $$$ ( i suppose my credit is poor now)?
en, i will make sure i pay the debts back b4 it ends. all i am worrying is if i can get another card that has 0%interestes for blance transfer if i still own other card company debts. u know, when you apply, it needs your cridit history to approve your application and if i have debts now, my credit will be bad so, they may either reject my application or my credit line is too low. how much possibility this will happen? for the transfer fee, i know it is 3%-75$/transfer. it won't be a big deal compare to the $$ i borrow.
lz,I did that kind of transfers many times. My credit score is not bad so almost everytime I could get an new card before the 0% ends and then transferred the debt to the new one. Yeah, you may not transfer to the same company's new card, but you can always deposit the check they mail to you and pay the old debt by those $$. good luck~~
Are u saying even i cannot balance transfer between cards owed by the same company but if I do check deposite, i should be fine. am i right?
for the 12 months 0% on bt, does it starts from your 1st time using the card, or the application approved?
if i get a card w/ certain amount of credit line, which is not enough for $$ i need for BT, how much possibility i can ask to increase the line to the amount i need? does that need to go through the credit review as well? i never increased credit line, only decreased it b4. so, not sure about the process.
thanks for input
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-7 1:03:18编辑过]
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