2013-03-08 23:32:00
以下是引用无名人氏在3/7/2013 2:01:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用无名人氏在3/11/2013 2:25:00 PM的发言:
刚买了一百多的那种电子clear blue monitor,外加50张纸质的排卵试纸条,还有人家送的一盒clear blue笑脸电子试纸,大姨妈刚走,希望这个周期好孕!
逛到这个大楼,想提醒想进行或者要进行药物促排的jms,尽量要求自己的ob能够实时监测排卵(没必要每天,一般在排卵试纸测出LH surge后),并且,最重要的是,监测排卵为了预防卵泡长大但是不自动排出导致卵泡黄素化,或者卵子老化影响质量即时受精也容易流产。所以检测卵子大小需要适量配以ovulation trigger shot,促使卵子释放。有些ob其实挺不负责任的,甚至连服用clomid这种药的时间都没有说清楚,开了药就让人回家这个周期放心try了。希望有需要促排的mm一定多问医生几个问题,如何服药,服药后几天测排卵,测到LH surge后怎么办,没测到surge后怎么办,何时开始B超检测卵泡,卵子涨到多大size有可能排出,如果不排出来是否需要打针,打针后多少小时安排同房,如果一次失败后下次克米剂量如何增加,这些都是成功的关键。
Here is a story about clomid alone VS clomid+HCG shot :
just saw this post and thought I would chime in with my experience. I would tend to agree with vanessamaes. My OB started me on clomid after TTC without help and no success for over a year. I was not ovulating regularly, so my OB said clomid should do the trick. Unfortunately, clomid alone did not work for me. My follies were maturing, but I was not ovulating, or I was ovulating very late. I did get pregnant in the fourth cycle w/clomid alone, but had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. Two cycles later, I got pregnant again (they say clomid stays in your system for months after use), but again miscarried at 10 weeks. I think this was due to the late ovulation I was experiencing on clomid alone. The eggs were of poor quality or overmature. I then went to a fertility specialist and he told me right away that I would probably need clomid and an HCG shot. After the first cycle of clomid, I went in and they did an ultrasound and saw 2 mature follicles. They did blood tests to determine that I was not having an LH surge yet, so they gave me the HCG shot and I o'd 24-36 hours later. We had timed intercourse and I became pregnant. I now have a little boy, 11 months old. 10 months after giving birth to my son, I decided to go back to the RE because I still hadn't gotten my period. I did another cycle of clomid and HCG shot, and I am now again six weeks pregnant! So, I needed both clomid and the HCG shot to ovulate on time, and to get and stay pregnant. My advice would be to def. go to an RE, this is what they deal with on a daily basis. They will be able to determine if you need the HCG shot once you take the clomid by a blood test. If you are not having an LH surge by day 15 or 16, they will probably tell you to take the shot.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/6/26 18:56:10编辑过]
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