2005-05-20 14:10:00
问一个题外话。cpt期间我们学校要求注一个0学分的课,那么要交tuition fee吗?
我们学校要求至少注册1个学分的课,要交学费, 可是想一想去上班的工资, 一个学分的学费真不算什么.
Thank you very much!
申请CPT是要有公司的offer letter才可以.
I will give you the example in my school, but the best way to know is to consult the ISO in your school.
Before applying CPT, you need to do the following:
1) get the offer letter from the company that will give you the position.
2) register 1 unit practical training class (this class name may be different from school to school)
3) get CPT approval from the department office.
with all the 3 done, schedule a consulting time with ISO, bring the offer letter, proof of 1 unit registration, approval from your department office, I-20 to the consultation. The official will endorse the approved CPT in your I-20.
You need to do this every semester until your H-1 is approved. In most cases, it's before each semester starts, because that's when you can register class.
The maximum full time CPT you can apply is 12 months, usually ISO official will suggest you not to exceed 11 months otherwise you may get difficulty to apply for OPT after graduation. But you can ignore that part if the H-1 can be approved before you used up the 12 months, then you don't need to apply for OPT any more.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-20 16:06:05编辑过]
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