help: F2 & 工作
2005-06-12 18:12:00
Looking for job itself is a very uncertain thing, the quota for H1 is even out of everyone's control. There's nothing can be guaranteed on these two parts.
The only thing that you can control is try to come to US as early as possible and fit yourself into the new environment, then you will have better chance to jump into the job hunting.
yeah, I wish I had made the right decision to come here as a dependent then I can save at least 2 years. But I was too young and too proud at that time, I insisted to get my own scholarship, it's really not necessary if looking back from now.
crying for my wasted time....看了大家热烈的讨论,我想知道F2刚去的时候真的是只能呆在家里吗,打黑工过渡的风险有多大呢,谢谢前辈不吝赐教
The risk of being caught by INS is different from place to place. But personally speaking I would suggest you never choose to work illegally. If you don't have immediate financial problem, spending time to learn English, to apply school or to look for a legal job is much much more worthy than waitressing in a Chinese restaurant.
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