[求助] about my first interview
2005-04-12 15:16:00
I think you can apply H1b and still work on your thesis or dissation if you don't care about OPT. Seems OPT right now is not an option to you. Or you can disscuss with your comapny making some excuse of OPT delay.
You can apply CPT as long as you keep f1 status continusly longer than 9 months. It's not true with OPT though if you are in master's program. You only can apply OPT within 90 days of your graduation day. You know, immigration regulation always changes these couple of years. The reason I am very sure about this is I had the similar situation and my LD has same situation like yours. I talked with different lawyers, ISO officers, graduate division, even INS service. You certainly can apply H1b before your graduation and still work on your thesis and get diploma if you are willing to give up OPT. The only thing is that H1 can only be effective from Oct.1 since 20,000 H1b of 2005 is still pending. you may still can try CPT as other guys suggested. I am not sure if your school provides full time CPT. I suggest you stick to your word. you will get over it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-13 0:16:27编辑过]
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