2006-04-28 12:54:00
unless the money you took from china. all other income you earned in US is taxable even tho u are foreigner. bank will ask u for fill out a form.
As a non-resident alien, you dont have to pay interest income.
i think it is only for the interest generated from the money you took with you when you entered US. if you work on campus, and get paid, then deposit it in the bank, then you have to pay the interest. ...
I just checked the IRS pub:
- Filing IS required by nonresident alien students and scholars who have:
A taxable scholarship or fellowship, as described in Chapter 1 of Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education;
Income partially or totally exempt from tax under the terms of a tax treaty; and/or
Any other income, which is taxable under the Internal Revenue Code.
- Filing IS NOT required by nonresident alien students and scholars who have income ONLY from:
Foreign sources,
Interest Income from:
- a U.S. bank
- a U.S. savings & loan institution
- a U.S. credit union
- a U.S. insurance company
- an investment, which generates Portfolio Interest (Described in section "Exclusions From Gross Income" - "Interest Income" – "Portfolio interest" of Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens)
so if you only have interest income. then no need to file, hence no tax.
but if you have taxable inocme, you have to file. I am not sure whether you end up paying for the interest generated from those incomes or not.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-28 23:49:30编辑过]
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