2015-01-21 13:15:44
Is that hard just to be pro choice?
I would agree with you if you just share your story instead of using this title....who you think you are can wish others to make decision in your favor? It is something very private. You have no rights to stick your nose in .
I would agree with you if you just share your story instead of using this title....who you think you are can wish others to make decision in your favor? It is something very private. You have no rights to stick your nose in .
No, you got me wrong. She has all the rights to say what she wants to say, however, she has not rights to ask others to do or not to do anything. Just like I said early, I would totally agree with her if she just simply shared her story, however the part gets me is "I wish.....others and so on...."
To be honest with you, I don't think any decisions are going to be easy in this matter. However, she is not in others shoes; she doesn't have to walk miles in other shoes either. It is quite mean to assume others decision of abortion come as easy. Why she has to press her guilty to others? Like I said, she is more than welcome to share her story but keep her opinion to herself.
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