2024-11-03 20:28:37
什么地方 在 胡诌??
懒得和你这种没有什么专业知识的半吊子对话。没有任何意义。你既不懂美国法律,也不懂什么是隐私。你只在乎 什么 国内/国外 思维。我高中来的美国,两边思维有什么本质的不一样,思维就是思维,国内思维是什么思维,国外思维又是什么思维,莫名其妙。就事论事解决问题就行了,扯什么思维。外国人和你脑结构不一样还脑回路不一样,还是反射弧不一样。
公立学校入学 是必须 给的,
你如果认为 私立 不应该 要,你就不给,
我不是你要去的私立学校 管事情的人,我希望你能搞明白。
有没有人说你,思维有问题的?你平常就这样和人沟通的?信口开河,逻辑混乱的不得了, 不可思议。
给你举例我们州,code of Virginia
学校入学,公立学校入学,必须出示 birth certificate, 上面没什么太重要的信息,爸妈和孩子的名字,孩子的出生日,最主要的目的是 verify age , 弗吉尼亚州规定孩子到了什么年龄 必需接受 公立,私立,或者 州注册的 home school 的教育,这是州的法律,
你在哪个州,把你们州的法律 调出来,读不懂这些东西的话,花钱请律师,还是那句话,在美国生活不要靠自己想象,你当然完全有权力决定 你想如何做,如果有时间,去研究具体的法规,而不是在网上问来问去。更不要 试图去和网友争论,因为这样并帮不了你人 任何忙。
§ 22.1-3.1. Birth certificates required upon admission; required notice to the local law-enforcement agency.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, no pupil shall be admitted for the first time to any public school in any school division in this Commonwealth unless the person enrolling the pupil shall present, upon admission, a certified copy of the pupil's birth record. The principal or his designee shall record the official state birth number from the pupil's birth record into the pupil's permanent school record and may retain a copy in the pupil's permanent school record. If a certified copy of the pupil's birth record cannot be obtained, the person so enrolling the pupil shall submit an affidavit setting forth the pupil's age and explaining the inability to present a certified copy of the birth record. If the school division cannot ascertain a child's age because of the lack of a birth certificate, the child shall nonetheless be admitted into the public schools if the division superintendent determines that the person submitting the affidavit presents information sufficient to estimate with reasonable certainty the age of such child.
为什么一些 完全是 common sense 的事情
有些人一定要 把简单的事情 去搞得复杂化,
know your rights:
School Enrollment: Rights and Responsibilities
All children who turn five years old by September 30th up through age 18 are required by Virginia law to be enrolled in public school, private school, or state-approved home school.1 Generally, students may enroll in school up until the age of 20 or until they graduate2. Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) may attend school until age 21.3 Students ages 12 and up who enroll in a Virginia public school for the first time and are identified as English Language Learners may stay in school until age 22.4
Unless a child has a variance (meaning the school division approved a school different than the child’s zoned school), is homeless, is in kinship care (living with a relative who is not a parent) or in a foster care setting, the child should attend the school division where the child’s parent or guardian resides. Residency must be “bona fide,” meaning that it must not be solely for the purpose of attending school.5
Families and living situations get complicated – if you have a question about where your child should attend school, please contact us here.
Call your local school or check your school division’s website for the specifics of how to enroll, but Virginia law requires certain paperwork prior to enrollment:
A certified copy of a child’s birth certificate
(or an affidavit that sets forth the child’s age and explains the reason that a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate cannot be obtained – if used, police will be notified); proof of residency such as utility bills and a lease (unless special circumstances); and a school physical examination form including immunization record.6
专题 讲坐不敢当
板上 回帖 回答问题,提供信息很容易
二楼的回帖,是基于我在美国做 资本市场 消费信贷 行业 15+ 年的经验 得出来的,
所以,你在正常合理的社会活动里,需要出示各种个人信息证件,在那里担心 所谓的个人隐私,完全是 想多了。
回复 7楼 cooatpp 的帖子
说实话, 你的思维才有问题。 国内办过事儿没? 什么不要户口本, 身份证,亲属关系证明? 国内你当孙子屁都不敢放, 跑美国来立马腰杆直起来啦!摇起什么民主, 大义,隐私的大旗啦!!佩服!
说得很 深刻
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