探讨一个交税的问题. (魅力100)
2007-02-10 02:48:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-10 2:49:36编辑过]
当然有拉. 那一年收入少,是美国的收入少, 来美国之前在其他国家工作也有收入呀. 可是在美国呆的时间也少呀.
同样的薪水, 他那样税率低很多. 就是这个漏洞吧.
Wo hao luo suo ya........
reply to the upper 2 floors:
I am not saying that he should report his income from other countries. of course he payed that part of tax to the other country.
What I am saying is like this:
e.g. You and he have the same annual salary, therefore the same monthly salary.
e.g. You and he have the same annual salary, therefore the same monthly salary.
Last year, you stayed in US the whole year while he came to US on Nov.1st. During the last two months of 2006, you gals got the same amount of money. However, after tax refund claim, he ended up paying substantially less tax than you for that two month’s salary.
Actually his salary should fall into the same tax bracket as yours, not lower tax bracket. Because his acutally annual salary is not 9k but higher number.
So personally I think it is unfair.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-13 16:32:47编辑过]
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