2008-02-22 14:09:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-22 14:16:16编辑过]
If you owe tax, this means your tax withholding last year is too less.
How much do you owe IRS? I think it is very good if you owe less than $1000 (do not need to pay penalty fot this). This means you do not lose any interest on tax money.
If you get a big refund, it means the refund is actually yours and you put them in IRS without any interest for a while, and claim them back now. You can actually do less tax withholding and put this amount into a high interest bank account. If you owe IRS too much, you will need to pay penalty for this.
So I just do not understand why people are sad when they get a small return or owe a small amount of money. Personally I think owe/get a small amount of tax is the best tax plan.
not too much, ~ $110.
EXACTLY.she might BSO.hehe...
BSO? 我可不是那样的人。以前和LD都是学生,上学还要交学费,每年到退税的时候能有个3、4百的进帐,可以让我们稍微“挥霍”一下。现在虽然都上班了,可是房子,车子,和孩子的开销都不小。每个月还是要精打细算的。因为从来没把退税当作收入的一部分,原想着再退个3、5百的,一家三口可以好好的消费一下。高高兴兴的作完了税,结果和预期的截然相反,所以忍不住郁闷了一下。其实退税的道理我也明白,交钱不比退钱差到哪去。只是和自己的期望不太一样罢了。。。。现在早已经不郁闷了。。。
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