转: 新wsn出世,STANFORD禽兽教授崔屹
2007-01-19 22:16:00
以下是引用datrickykid在2007-1-19 15:29:00的发言:
hahaha, totally agree!
Smart!!!! Agree too.hahaha, totally agree!
以下是引用xhxck在2007-1-19 15:31:00的发言:
引用 datrickykid
"Come on, what happened between Cui and this girl is statutory rape...
He had sex with this girl before she even turned 18... Did this girl
hold up a gun to force Cui to have sex with her? I don't understand
why so many females are so hateful towards this girl. Yes, she did do
something wrong when she was 17, but Cui, an adult who was completely
competent to make his decision had sex with this girl before she was
even an adult... Also, what's wrong for this girl to fight for child
support? If Cui had been paying child support and this girl is still
doing this on the BBS, then maybe she really wanted more than just
child support. Nonetheless, Cui is lucky that the girl didn't sue him
when this first happened (she probably had no idea there's law like
this), now he's probably trying to drag this as long as possible so
that it would pass the 3 yr statue of limitation. "
我对这个小姑娘并不'hateful',只是觉得她不像她表现得那么天真无辜,也许是我的个人偏见。在这个mess里面,我只觉得cy lp 太可怜了,还在mit上被人骂。btw, 引用的功能不正常,太累了。
只从贴子里看, 没觉的LP可怜. 还给小姑娘打什么电话来摆平这事, 纵容CY的禽兽举止, 真是个不一般的女人. 如果她这样做是因为真的爱CY,还想和他在一起,她就不应助纣为虐, 就应该督促CY对那个孩子负责. 小姑娘又没逼他们离婚.引用 datrickykid
"Come on, what happened between Cui and this girl is statutory rape...
He had sex with this girl before she even turned 18... Did this girl
hold up a gun to force Cui to have sex with her? I don't understand
why so many females are so hateful towards this girl. Yes, she did do
something wrong when she was 17, but Cui, an adult who was completely
competent to make his decision had sex with this girl before she was
even an adult... Also, what's wrong for this girl to fight for child
support? If Cui had been paying child support and this girl is still
doing this on the BBS, then maybe she really wanted more than just
child support. Nonetheless, Cui is lucky that the girl didn't sue him
when this first happened (she probably had no idea there's law like
this), now he's probably trying to drag this as long as possible so
that it would pass the 3 yr statue of limitation. "
我对这个小姑娘并不'hateful',只是觉得她不像她表现得那么天真无辜,也许是我的个人偏见。在这个mess里面,我只觉得cy lp 太可怜了,还在mit上被人骂。btw, 引用的功能不正常,太累了。
以下是引用ConnieBear在2007-1-19 16:18:00的发言:
agree. DNA test, sue for money, that's it. What else is the girl expecting? father's love? That's not something you can get from court.
agree. DNA test, sue for money, that's it. What else is the girl expecting? father's love? That's not something you can get from court.
it is for sure the kid should get father's love. that is what the young mother has been looking for in the past couple years. Unfortunately, the father does not want to take the responsibility. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with this young mother to sue that disgusting man, even just for money.
以下是引用cloudymind在2007-1-19 16:10:00的发言:
该被 痛扁的应该是那个WSN, 责怪人家小姑娘干吗. 要是这个LG洁身自好还会发生这种事? 人家又没逼他上床. 不过在这件事里有些蹊跷, 不象是简单的第三者插足, 似乎CY对这个第三者根本不care.CY is beyond blame.
Huaren married JJMM多,为了家庭稳固,自然要痛扁狐狸精,把有可能分享老公salary的扼杀在摇篮里(或者子宫里)。
以下是引用fallingleaves在2007-1-19 17:39:00的发言:
是啊, WSN有大奶的大力支持,估计小女孩啥也得不到,还被人戳脊梁骨, 惨!
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