😁😀🧐【我把今天热议的麦迪逊广场川普集会中 喜剧演员 Tony Hinchcliff发言全篇中英文发出来吧 】
2024-10-28 12:07:24
翻译中文是用的chat gpt. 有异议的去找这个小子。这个小子说,这些言论让他翻译,是一种冒犯的。
Here''''s serious stuff happening, people, I live in the great state of taxes now, 18 years in Ohio, 20 years in California, and I got to see California turn to absolute, horrendous, horrendous thing. And travelling the world, I got to see San Francisco turn into one of the most demented cities, one of the greatest downfalls I ''''ve ever seen, and that is the other candidate worked for two decades. And it''''s absolutely wild to see. And in Texas, stuff is really, really crazy. We''''re right there by a wide open border. Where am I proud Latinos at tonight? You guys see what i mean. It''''s wide open, there''''s so many of them, it''''s absolutely incredible, believe it or not, people, I welcome migrants to the United States. And by open arms I mean like this.
t is wild, and these Latinos, they love making babies too. Just know that they do. They do there''''s no pulling out. The don''''t do that. They come inside, just like they did to our country
Publicans of the party with a good sense of humor, three speeches under attach people. I host a show, and each week I get updates what words we’re allowed to use and not use anymore. It’s happening right now, the past tew years. It’s a real thing. And you know, used to be able to tell people to Google stuff. My mom’s a boomer in the state of Ohio, and there’s no convincing the of anything she’s eating the cats they’s eating, the dogs, there’re eating the pets up there. It is absolutely wild times. It really, really is. And, you know, there’s a lot going on, like, I don’t’ know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now, yeah, I think it’s called Puerto Rico. Okay, Okay, all right, okay. We’re getting there again. Normally, I don’t follow the national anthem, everybody. This isn’t exact a perfect comedy setup. There’re some people here, all right, very good. I like it. I have other policies that I think it should be implemented as well, like me personally, I think football should be all year round. Yeah, so many great athletes. I don’t know about you guys, but I think that Travis Kelsey might be the next OJ Simpson.
Feels good in there the other sides’ got a lot of crazy endorsements, swift Eminem. Leo, DiCaprio, Beyounce. Everyday the democratic party looks more and more like a P daddy party. Okay, okay, okay, that’s what you guys want. All right, heck yeah, the cool black guys with a twining his head. What the hell is that? A lamp shied? Look at this guy, oh my goodness. Wow. I am just kidding. That’s one of my buddies. He had a Halloween party last nigh. We had fun. We carved watermelons together. It was awesome. This is a groan little morning crowd, hum? It’s tough to flow this audition for the next commissioner. Gordon’s over here it is, though it is crazy times we’re living in. I mean, all these pointless wars, it is unbelievable. What’s happening right now. It is incredible. Ukraine versus Russia, Isarel. It’s like bad soccer games. Who even cares? What are we doing? Why is our money involved in these wars?
When it comes to Israel and Palestine, we’re all thinking the same thing. Settle you stuff already, best out the three rock paper scissors. You know the Palestinians are gonna throw rock every time. Feel to know the Jews have a hard time throwing that paper. You know what I’m saying. All right, we’re having fun now. We’re cooking. Hillary Clinton said that this is Nazi rally here today. Can you believe that for the most anti war president of my entire lifetime, and she calls him Hillter. Let me remind you, Hillary, it was your husband who shot innocent people, or, as the called them, inters.
Yeah, Hilary, I bet you did not see that one coming. What? By the way, if I commit suicide in three weeks, I didn’t. I mean, it’s just obvious to me who the right candidate is. There’s a guy out here dodging bullets. It is unbelievable, right?
He took it right in the ear. Unbelievable, I thought about this. I don’t know if you have coolest place to get shot, like, if you’re gonna get shot, anywhere on your body. That’s where you want it, right there. Technically, he got shot in the head, depending on If you’re a democrat of republic, right? If you’re a democrat, his ear was grazed. If you’re a republican, he survived a head shot.
It is. It’s the best place to get shot. It’s the only part of the human body will drive a piercing through, like a little girl’s ear, for no reason, right? There’s just no it heals fast. Nobody cares. It’s the best place to get shot. He went down, saw blood on his hands. I’d imagine he thought, right then, I think I just won this shit. Stand up and says the most American words I''''ve ever heard him in my life. No, no before that, there was one more. Let me get my shoes.
Fearless, perhaps still with an active shooter. He’s talking like a guy that just and the best one night stand of his life, right? Like, where’s my shoes at? I goota get the hell out of here. Let me get my shoes. And the fight, fight, fight. What he did was so cool that Biden got Covid. Oh, yeah, go back. Look at the timeline of everything again three days after that. That means the Boden, he didn’t get that from hanging out with sick people. He was in a sterile room in the Whitehouse watching blood running down trump’s face as the pumps this fist Biden’s like stroke. Trump survived an assassination attempt. And Biden got Covide. We vote next week. God voted three months ago.
Another great Austin Taxes resident, Elon Musk, will be speaking here later today.
无所畏惧,也许现场仍有活跃的枪手。他说话的样子就像是刚刚经历了人生中最棒的一夜情似的,对吧?就像在说,我鞋子在哪儿呢?我得赶紧离开这儿。让我找找鞋子。然后就是各种 “抗争、抗争、抗争”。他(特朗普)做的事太酷了,结果拜登感染了新冠。哦,对了,倒回去看看。再把那之后三天的所有事情的时间线捋一遍。这意味着拜登可不是因为和生病的人接触才感染的。当时他在白宫的无菌室里,看着特朗普满脸是血,特朗普还挥舞着拳头,而拜登就像中风了一样(呆在那儿)。特朗普躲过了一次暗杀企图,而拜登却感染了新冠。我们下周就要投票了。上帝三个月前就已经做出了选择。
Unbelievable, genius You guys some shoot that rocket into outer space, the largest aircraft ever fires it off in this space, the largest aircraft ever fires it off in this space and them parallel parks it back to planet earth. Meanwhile, Kamala supports can’t parallel park their Toyota Priuses properly. Sorry . I listen to Elon Musk. I follow his lead. The world’s smartest richest man has my attention, except for when it comes to stock trading, then I listened to Nancy Pelosi.
But censorship is amongst us people. It’s a very, very, very big deal, and I am just here to say that you guys are for the right candidate. Tell you friends, let’s close it out and let’s make speech free again. Make America healthy again. Le’s beat the team from California, the team from new York should beat the team from California, not only in the election, but in the world series of baseball America sport, I love you, new York, god bless new York. God bless America. Let’s make it great again, i love you, thank you.
楼主这么翻真的是不对的… I welcome MIGRANTS by open arms, I mean like this 然后他的肢体语言: 挥起双臂做NO姿态,总结就是:坚决反对所有移民
是chat gpt. 又不是我,好吧。你说他去吧。
是和不加筛选的大量拉丁移民和印度移民, 在一起热火朝天吗
你得看视频才行啊,你去看看他说这句话时候的姿势?“边境是敞开的,移民真的太多了,简直难以置信。大家,我欢迎移民来到美国。而当我张开双臂欢迎的时候,我是这样欢迎的。” 贴翻译有什么用,你是怕川粉听不懂英文?还是故意来搅浑水?这也太可笑了
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