[原创]勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为--2010年纽约客的健身美食时尚日记: 成果列在P121
2010-06-23 13:35:00
Age: late 20s
height: 164 cm
weight: 116 lb
target: weight 105 lb + 4 packs +shaped butt + slim and toned legs
Strategy: diet= balanced nutrition good quality/organic food; exercise= 1 hour daily
Deadline: Oct 31, 2010
Jun 20 , 2010
weight 116 lb
breakfast 11 am, juice flax seeds 2tbs, wheat grass, 1 carot, kefir 2 tbs
snacks: 350 cal (山里仁小核桃 4 小包) very gilty
lunch 2pm: 1/2 lb fish (银鲳鱼), half grapefruit,
tea: oolong 1 pot
snacks: 1/4 cup blueberry + 1/4 cup kefir
dinner: fish 1/4 lb + 1 cup japanese wild vegies
drink:1 lemon + 8 cups of water
workout: 15 mins jogging; 15 mins squat + lunge, 30 mins walking
Jun 21, 2010
weight 115 lb
breakfast 11am, 2 tsb flax seeds + wheat grass + half a granny smith apple ; an boiled egg
lunch: 2pm, half a take out lunch special: 1 cup 小椒豆豉香干 +2 tsp brown rice + 1/2 cup 酸辣汤
dinner:7 pm: lunch leftover without the rice + 1/6 lb steamed fish +1/4 green leave salad without dressing + 10 steamed snow peas
snack: 6 almonds + 2tsb kefir
drink: 1 pot ooloong tea; 1 pot pu'erh +chrysanthemum tea
workout: walk up stairs 11 fights; squat + lunge +dance+ stretch 1hr
Jun 22, 2010
weight 116.6 lb
breakfast 11am : 1/4 cup brown rice + 1 egg + 1/4 cup green leave salad without dressing
lunch: 1/2 lb fish + 1/4 cup snow pea
dinner: 2 tsp flax seed + wheat grass + 1/4 cup walnut + 1/2 granni smith apple + 2tsp kefir
drink: 1 pot oolong tea + 1 cup home made soy milk
snack: steamed broccoli 1/2 cup; 1 steamed egg
workout: 倒蹬自行车 50下,30 mins squat + lunge; housekeeping 30 mins; massage 30 mins
Jun 23, 2010
weight 115 lb
breakfast: 9 am, 1/4 cup musli + kefir+ 10 blueberries; steamed egg with seaweed and 8 goji berries, 1tsp sesame seeds
lunch: 1pm, juice == 1tsp flax seed + wheat grass + 4 walnut halves + 1tsp green tea powder + 1/2 granni smith apple; 1/2 cup steamed broccoli
drink: 1pot oolong tea + 1cup home made soy milk
workout: 90 mins cycling, 倒蹬自行车50下
snacks: spicy beef jelly * 3 tiny pack
snacks: 1 cup steamed carrots + 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
dinner: dine in whole food: green leave salad without dressing, 1/4 chichen breast 1/6 cup naked juice (green)
snack: 1 tomato + 1 egg +1tsp olive oil soup
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 22:05:09编辑过]
我觉得苦丁茶比乌龙茶减肥, 如果再放到山楂,就更去油水。
1) apple cider vinegar, 1/6 稀释加冰
2) lemon /lime +ice
3) 普洱+菊花
4) 金银花茶/苦丁茶
5) 豆浆
6) hot cinnamon spice tea
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/9 23:30:13编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/9 23:37:00编辑过]
Jun 24, 2010
weight 114.6 lb
breakfast: 9 am, 4 walnut halves, 1tsp sesame seed, (1 tomato + 1 egg + seaweed+ 1tsp olive oil + 1/2 bunch soba noodle) soup
lunch: 1/4 cup musli + kefir+ 20 blueberries; (不小心把头天准备的早餐放进冻柜了,只好用来当午餐)
snack: tomato soup (1 tomato + 1 egg +1tsp olive oil )
drink: oolong tea 1 pot, home made light soy milk 2 cups
dinner: wild arugula leave salad + 1cup + 10 blueberries + 1 small pack silk tofu + 4 walnut halves+ soy sauce
workout cycling 30 mins. squat + lunge 30 mins
Jun 25, 2010
weight 113lb
breakfast: 10 am, 1/4 cup musli + kefir 1/2 cup + 1 tsp sesame seed
tomato soup (1 tomato + 1 egg +1tsp olive oil )
lunch: wild arugula leave salad 1cup + 1 small pack silk tofu + 4 walnut halves+ soy sauce
drink: oolong tea 1 pot, cinnamon tea 1 teabag, lemon ice water
snack: juice flax seed + wheatgrass +1 kiwi fruit + 1/2 granny smith apple
dinner: Friday night special treat: 1 banna, 1 cup califlower, 5 slice smoked samon, 2 piece roasted herb turkey breast, shitaki mushroom 1/4 cup + bok choy 1 stem
workout: cycling 4 hours
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/6/27 19:03:43编辑过]
理论一:“攻” 一磅脂肪相当于3500 卡热量; 人体正常每天需求1700 卡热量; 如果每天少摄入400-500卡, 那么一个星期可以消耗脂肪 1 磅。这是健康减肥的合理速度。但是饮食很难控制,偶尔有偏差没有关系,如果每天消耗300-500卡 热量, 那么一个礼拜减掉 1.5 磅就比较保险。
理论二:“守” 如果只吃健康新鲜美味的食物,譬如说绿色叶子的沙拉,时令瓜果菜蔬, 虾,三文鱼,鸡胸,偶尔的猪牛羊排,坚果,那么长期下来也会保持健康苗条匀称
理论三:“时” 五谷杂粮燕麦只在早餐出现。一天水果在下午两点之前吃完。每天10点和下午3点吃小餐,保证代谢。
理论四:“量” 日本人和法国人都充分享受美食,但是他们的分量特别小,种类比较多。有些非常特别的日本小馆,一个套餐里五六碟,样样精致美味,但是热量就是低。
理论五:“变” 运动方式相机而变:逛街,逛博物馆,通常不知不觉就是4~5小时,这样烧掉热量大约 ~400 卡。 如果觉得浪费时间,就随身听audiobook 好了。
理论六:“邪” 旁门左术,纤维素片==后悔药; 绿茶,乌龙茶,普洱茶,提神清肠胃; 运动前喝咖啡或cinnamon,听音乐, 可以运动兴致更高更持久;
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/9 23:53:53编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/6/24 22:22:30编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/6/24 22:24:47编辑过]
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