2006-01-26 11:35:00
昨天show dress, 今天show yoga outfit. 我常看到有姐妹问,去yoga stuido 穿什么,我有几套,想和你们分享一下经验。这些outfit也能在gym里穿,也很好。
顺便介绍一下我的yoga背景。我从bikram (热)yoga 开始已经有3年了,每星期3-4次,刚刚开始的时候坚持了2个月,每天不断(起排毒作用)。具体的我就不再粉版啰嗦了。大家可以看 找到你当地的studio info。
我选yoga outfit 的宗旨是,一定要 flattering,奈洗奈穿。我是穿一次就洗的,因为是热yoga。top 比较好买,nike 和adidas 的 top不错,我的基本都是他们两家的。tjmaxx可以淘到一些top。
裤子很难买好,我已经买了很多不同长短,肥瘦的,总结一下:太瘦显腿粗,太肥不显身材,太长显腿短,7分裤显腿短。最显身材好的是black, low waist, bootcut ,有一点化纤strech的。我发现最好的牌子是 这家 我在我练的地方试过,质量很好,很flattering,但就是贵,裤子要快$100了。在加拿大的姐妹可以看看是不是便宜一些。
下来nike和adidas的也很好 ,但也不便宜,裤子原价要50-60左右,很少减价。tjmaxx 有卖裤子的,的但很少有质量好的,几次就泄了。
我意外发现价格性能比最好的是GAP BODY的这两条。我都有,他家有时还有黑的,短的5分的,我也买了。也很好。价格在39。95左右,好像从不降价,降价是小号早没了。一定要买黑的,长短合适,奈洗,不泄,不发白,非常显瘦。
gap two kinds: first one is the BEST!!!
second gap, good with sport bra,ok with tank top
my fav top: adidas with gap pants
adidas top back
nike top
another nike
去yoga 的路上
one day, I hope to be able to do this...
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-26 16:47:18编辑过]
the third one is my favour.
haha, I will be one of your your style.
Thank you so much! 互相学习,共同进步!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-26 17:07:22编辑过]
check out
The recommended temperature is minimum 105F degrees and about 40% humidity.
The room is kept at this temperature or more for the following:
- Keeping the body from overheating (contrary to popular misconception)
- Protecting the muscles to allow for deeper stretching
- Detoxing the body (open pores to let toxins out)
- Thinning the blood to clear the circulatory system
- Increasing heart rate for better cardiovascular workout
- Improving strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization
- Reorganize the lipids (fat) in the muscular structure
呵呵,肯定是有点的。比如说,你做down dog(不知道对不对),手要支撑身体作动作,刚开始每次我都做到手发抖,因为我臂力不够。现在我好多了。
totally agree, the more you practise,downward dog will become a resting posture, in power yoga classes, we hold down dog for one to two min at a time to rest. eventually, you will get stroner, you feel like you are tearing up the mat with your hands and feet in down dog. the weight in your hands will shift to your shoulders and your back. it is hard to describle. the beauty of yoga is the process not the destination. there is any destination, you will only deepen your practice, there is no perfect posture for any posts.
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