2005-10-26 21:35:00
My question is: 1) Does IRS keep a record of the W-2 the company issued to me? 2) If so, if somebody wants to investigate my marital status, what could be shown up? will there be inconsistency in my status?
Thanks. If it matters, I will fix this time.
Also, IRS always has a copy of your W2 - once your compnay send you one copy, it should also send IRS a copy that shows the identical information
Do you think the visa officer in China woulld be able to check out my marital status? Do you think in IRS's record, I am "married " or "single"? Thanks.
IRS and state dept are different federal agencies.
don't worry
Thanks. But are you sure of this? Because I want to invite my parents to visit me. The VO might ask them whether I am married. I am not legalled married, but if the VO was able to find out that I am "married", it is devastating... S/he might think my parents lie...
Thanks a lot! You are right, as long as I file F-1, my tax status is single. Hope the VO doesn't have my W-2 record; or even if s/he has, s/he doesn't have so much time to review it.
BTW, the 1040 form? I have submitted it to the IRS? Where can I find it?[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-27 13:53:13编辑过]
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