我也聊点重口味的:深喉 (X-rate & 18+)
2021-03-29 22:57:27
说英文的:【Throat-Gasms 101】个人读后感:
说到 给予者 的得益 这资料很特别。
安全准备:最重要 给予者 拣个 trust worthy 的对象来赠
(at time mark 4:50) learn how to work with my own gagging reflex. 作呕反射 是好的症状,不要制止
说英文的:【7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat】个人读后感:挺好的 练习guideline。
所以他深喉我最佳体位是 69。
或 我仰卧,头向床边后昂,他站在床边来对着我的口来深喉。
Today Sarah and I had the opportunity to explore each other in the morning.
I wrote out a set of tasks for Sarah to complete before my arrival. Sarah is very diligent. When I entered she was kneeling exactly like I told her. I savor seeing her for the first time today, kneeling in her Presentation Position.
After Presentation, I begin her next lesson on giving head.
She has very little experience and needs a lot of details from me.
I enjoy teaching her.
I enjoy feeling her lips on my cock and balls.
She is a fast learner.
Today we worked on deep throating. For her first time trying, she did very well. With practice I am confident she will be able to take all of me without gagging.
After her lessons we fell into bed for unscripted fun.
I love going down on my Sarah. She tastes great and makes sweet mewing sounds as I lick her and pump my fingers in and out of her pussy. We had a wonderful time.
Sarah spent a lot of energy to pleasure me. She is such a good girl.
Later in the day, we went down to our favorite spot on the waterfront to sit in the car and watch the waves.
Sarah sits in the backseat and I rest my head on her lap. I pull her shirt up so my face is against her bare skin.
We talk about everything.
We alternate gently stroking one another. The stroking is light so we do not jump each other on the spot. It is just enough add sexual pleasure to our conversations.
It is hard to compare the morning and the afternoon. They both bring us so much pleasure but in completely different ways.
The morning is about obedience, precision, discipline and sex.
The afternoon is about cuddling, talking and just being with each other.
I sit and imagine if I could only have one of the two situations which would I pick?
I love the D/s aspect of our relationship.
But in the end, I love being with Sarah more than anything.
If forced to pick I would choose the waterfront. Ultimately it is more intimate than the D/s sex.
I surprised myself a little with that thought.
Remember how wonderful your sub is.
My Sarah is so busy in her vanilla life. But she always manages to make time for me and be my lovely submissive.
She is excited to see me. She is understanding of my moods. In short, she is wonderful.
She hasn’t has much sexual experience. I have been training her in how to please me orally to start with. She learns eagerly and quickly.
After only a few tries she can deep throat my cock, drink my cum and be my fantasy sub.
She communicates her needs and feelings easily.
She does everything I command.
She makes me feel wonderful.
What else could I ask for in a sub?
I love her.
I love her submissiveness to me.
I love her desire to serve me.
I have a cold. Sarah, as usual, has been a wonderful kitten and took good care of Sir. She served me tea during the day.
For lunch she drove me to a Thai restaurant and ordered Thai chicken noodle soup with cilantro. It was delicious and just what I needed.
Later in the day when I wanted to rest, she stripped naked and cuddled in bed with Sir. She exudes a lot of heat, so she makes an excellent blanket when I am under the weather. In truth she is an excellent blanket all the time.
When I was feeling a little better I commanded her to suck my cock and deep throat me. Kitten is getting better and better at doing this.
I was very please.
Later when I was tired again she cuddled with me more and we talked. We talked about our teenage years, feeling like an outsider, our life together so far and in the future. We literally rolled around the bed and I kissed her neck while we talked.
We talked about past experiences, my love of Emma Stone, body language and our marriages.
Time flew by. When it was time to go, I could not help be feel a little sad. Lying together and sharing our thoughts and feelings so easily was one of the best days I have ever had.
I felt more connected to her than I have felt with anyone in my life. I could have stayed in bed with her forever.
QianShuiDe 发表于 2021-03-29 23:50
对!所以我在第一楼特意写了一点读后感:选个可信赖,可靠的人很重要。To whome I let go of myself 是一个非常critical的 生命攸关的 选择,而且是每一次在冷靜中做的选择。
至于如何衡量 可信赖,可靠的?首先每一个人观察的取向,评估的焦点不一样, 又视乎候选人所给的数据点不同,结果准确度就不一样了。
我比较理性至上,情感压得很低,性欲方面的需要更是有意无意之间被贬低在心底还未被发育(起码是受我先生启蒙我的那段时期 如此)。是我先生一手、一言、一触漫游、一精液地浇灌我的感性,使之萌芽发展起来的。
他是我骨子裏一直就存在的 养在心闺人未知 的 那个 小小「伊甸园」的园丁。原来他就是我的真命园丁。除他以外,从没有人能使我开花。他一次再一次的证明给我看到,他就是能打通我性脉的master。
我先生根据我给的data point 如此形容:
我前度未婚夫: 因为不想 在没试用过的 条件下 娶我为妻,所以错过了我这一个宝。
我前夫:没有恰当的爱我,我在他那裏 发育不起,开不了花。
我如此形容我先生:他凭他阅人的经验,性知识与体验 来拣选我,就够胆在 不 闯 我底线 下立志娶我为妻,依我喜欢被爱的方式来爱我,照我需要如何被对待的妻子位份来待我。这是他成功娶到我,服我,佔領我,擁有我 的原因之一。
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