急问:有没有人claim job education deduction?
2007-04-03 22:54:00
我是F1,按NR 报税,TA, 我去年参加CFA(注册金融资格认证)的报名和考试费可不可以算在itemized deduction shedule A 的第9项job education 中?我自己就是金融专业的学生。
我们系目前就我考CFA,实在是没有地方问。而且看条文如果是其他系(比如生物)考CFA, 就算是start a new trade path, 明文说了就不qualify. 我现在在做RA/TA, 这可不可以算是工作呢?还请指教。
3.2 Itemized Deductions/Standard Deductions: Education & Work-Related Expenses
Deductible educational expenses include amounts spent for tuition, books, supplies, laboratory fees, and similar items. They also include the cost of correspondence courses, as well as formal training and research you do as part of an educational program. Transportation and travel expenses to attend qualified educational activities may also be deductible. For more information, refer to Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education; Chapter 12 and Tax Topic 513, Educational Expenses.
- Tax Topic 513, Educational Expenses
- Publication 970
Tax Benefits for Education
In some cases, you may be able to deduct the cost of classes you need for work. This deduction, however, would be subject to the 2 percent of AGI limitation, along with most other miscellaneous itemized deductions you list on Form 1040, Schedule A (PDF), Itemized Deductions.
To be deductible, your expenses must be for education that:
(1) Maintains or improves skills required in your present job, or
(2) Serves a business purpose and is required by your employer, or by law, to keep your present salary, status, or job.
However, these same expenses are not deductible if:
(1) The education is required to meet the minimum educational requirements of your job, or
(2) The education is part of a program that will lead to qualifying you in a new trade or business.
Educational expenses, related to your present work, that are incurred during periods of temporary absence from your job may also be deductible provided you return to the same job or same type of work. Generally, absence from work for one year or less is considered temporary.
谢谢楼上MM的回答。可是我参看970,以及版主给的回帖,只要满足其中一个,不一定非要required by employer,只要能improve skills, 也满足条件的.大家帮我看看是这样的吗? here is the link:
Thanks very much for all the help.
我理解得是你现在的工作要求你必须要考CFA才能保住工作,或者工资水平不会受到负面影响,比如要是你现在做FINANCIAL ANALYST这类工作,肯定是要求考CFA的,这样的话,可以抵税
It is only applicable for the new test taker, I have already taken level 1. Sigh...........But still thanks for mm's info.
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