2006-04-03 19:51:00
i hold my espp, and will sell my options before espp. The reason is that you can hold espp stocks even if you leave the company, but options expires the time you quit.
as to the investment, it depends on the expectation of the company stock. + after 2 years, you pay only long term capital gain rate.
持有股票超过两年,增值部分只用交%15得税吧?iamflying你能不能解释一下“sell options”是什么意思?是指你的espp里的选项吗?
long term capital gain rate is income dependant i think, most people pays 20% i believe.
i mean selling stock options first, it is not related to the espp.
非常谢谢iamflying mm的热心解答
怪不得我不懂这个option,因为我们公司不提供stock option.也好,我正好少操一份心。
iamflying,再请教一个问题:我的401k里面也有公司的股票,不过名字叫做xxx stock fund,这个stock fund跟我的espp里面的股票是两码事吧?不过我看软件自动把这个条款定义为company stock.所以把我糊涂了。
不要说请教啦,大家切磋21 。
401k里面跟espp是两码事, 401k是按照市场价格买,但是before tax money.
我们公司2年前也开始提供company stock fund. 如果公司股票一直涨,我觉得可以每个月contribute 一点。我们公司的股票都是上上下下,我就把钱先放在一个money market fund, 等股票下来了,就把money market fund 买成company stock fund, 等股票涨上去了,在倒过来。 不过好像anron事件以后,company stock fund 在整个401k里面不能超过15% (?)
isn't there redemption fee? my 401k everyfund has redemption fee. 2% or more, for holding less than 30 days. so can easily mess up if i don't remember when i last time purchased a fund....
i do not think there is a redemption fee or holding period for the company stock fund. For regular MF, there is some holding period requirement.
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