2005-11-07 09:47:00
wallstreet的工作不好吗?!我知道一些哥大的math phd毕业了就去wall street了啊!
太累了,初入行每天至少作10小时, 12个小时也很常见。初作教授可能也会做这么久,可是有希望拿终身教授,是金饭碗。而且做研究实在是其乐无穷,每年又有固定假期,可以经常出去开会顺便玩,平时工作时间又很自由,只要按时上课开会就好了。物理系的教授一般教一门课就可以。数学系不一样的,数学系的教授每学期要教2-4门课,根本没时间做科研。所以,华尔街的工作反倒好,因为同样无聊的工作,华尔街赚钱多,如果做好了,可以工作几年十几年赚个一二百万,然后退休,想做什么做什么了。。。。
no greencard is not a problem, you can always apply niw yourself, and you can do that right after you got you master's degree (with some publications of course).生物物理很热,数学系和许多生物公司的研究机构也喜欢请生物物理的人。不过最要紧的是妹妹你自己喜欢什么,不感兴趣的东西一般做不好。理论计算这个题目太广,高能,凝聚态,引力场,天体, .。。。都需要不好讲。个人感觉还是先找个喜欢的做。万一作的东西自己不喜欢,以后又找不到工作,那才是鸡飞蛋打呢。如果妹妹根本就不喜欢物理,那就赶快转专业,不要浪费时间。两个专业同时读太累了,物理本来就不好读,身体搞坏了不划算。
none of those looks like physics to me:) sorry. granular material stuff looks like calculations, calculations and calculations, which means, you think of a model and put it on the computer to simulate, see if it anwers your questions, if not (which happens most of the time) then you modify the model (or think of a completely new one) simulate again.
biophysics, I don't know much. the only subject I ever touched is protein folding, which is also mostly computer simulation.
if mm don't mind building on models and similating on computer all the time, then both would be ok. personally, I would prefer to work on self-organization models, or neuron simulations (how your brain works)which is very hot these days. biophysics is not traditional physics, but it's definitely physics and may input new principles to physics society about how science should be done.
don't be fooled by the high salary from wallstreet, its job is very unstable, you can be fired anytime and they don't have to inform you in advance, they can just fire you and give you 2 hours to clean you desk, then you are gone. some of my classmates who work there really work like hell because they are afraid of being fired. If you don't mind die early, then transfer to finance or economy or computer, get a master and find a job in wallstreet:) btw, after subtracting the high living cost in NY NY, your salary is really low.
personal bullshit. don't trust me:) mm should read more of the related research papers and really find out what you love most(forget about the job oppotunities, it's too early to worry about that), because the only thing we can do better than everyone else is the thing we love the most. If you are not better than everyone else, you cannot find an academic job.
No free lunch.
if you don't like hard work, then try statistics, accouting which will land you a job of <$60,000 /yr, and somewhat stable (meaning they have to inform you 3 months in advance if they want to fire you). A master would be enough.
做faculty也不是只有牛校毕业才行,除非mm想去牛校当faculty关键是个人能力和publication.美国有无数的小college,有些只需要做很少的研究工作,还有些就是纯粹的teaching school.我老公教书的学校就是如此。我感觉这种工作对女孩子和没有科研野心的人很合适,非常舒服,时间自由,假期多,没有科研压力。教教书,一个学期三门课,只要做成熟练工,很轻松的。当然大钱赚不了,如果夏天有课教,还能贴补不少。
mm还不明白吗?只要offer tenure track,小学校当然比research school好拿。因为research school是和研究成果发表文章挂钩的,这种teaching school就简单很多了。事实上,你多参加一些学校里的这个那个committee,表现出你对学校发展的关心,然后科研很好办,我老公就是去一个小会议投了一篇文章,不必发表都行。反正你到除了学校其他的地方都不见的稳定啊。
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