Visa Extras Program有意义么?
2006-09-27 21:44:00
这个visa extra program提供了什么特殊的服务吗?一般debit card上不是也有visa/mc的标志么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-27 21:44:39编辑过]
信用记录是用信用卡有的,和用check card没有关系吧
一般消费什么的,我个人觉得还是用信用卡会好些,用debit card花的就是自己的钱,万一出现什么错误肯定不如用信用卡纠正起来来的方便,毕竟用信用卡,还有银行这个保障在先
Types of qualifying purchases.
"Qualifying Purchases" consist of the following types of purchases, made with an enrolled Visa check card or credit card and processed or submitted through the Visa U.S.A. Inc. transaction processing system:
- Purchases you sign for (purchases using your PIN code do not earn points)
- Internet purchases
- Phone and mail order purchases
- Bill payment (including online)
Non-qualifying purchases.
PIN-based purchases, payments of existing card balances, balance transfers, cash advances, ATM transactions, convenience checks, Interlink-processed transactions, fees charged by your Visa card issuer (for example, annual fees, finance charges, and related service charges, if any apply), payments made for pre-paid and re-loadable cards such as certain gift cards, Visa Buxx and similar cards, or payments made for payment instruments that can readily be converted to cash (for example, travelers cheques, money orders, wire transfers, and similar products or services) are not qualifying purchases.
想请问下哪些算是bill payment呀?比如呢?
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