duggers(17kids family) --expecting a new one
2008-05-09 10:07:00
the mother spent most of her life being pregnant and breastfeeding(I wonder if she does for all). OMG, what a life!
还home school all kids...
they are kids factory,这里只是小作坊
看到过全家福,那些孩子都显得早熟, 在家home schooling不说, 还要做各种chorus。童年的欢乐都。。。。
but what they go through is nobody else could go through
各有利弊,只能这么说了,best blessing for her了
他们家的小孩肯定父母的ATTENTION 很少.一对一的时间估计没有.
they have the schedule for one to one time, listed on the wall. but definately not as enough as we can give to kids....
so whatever, thats their life choice. their kids are losing the things our kids have but at the same time gaining the things that our kids will never gain.
I think they may want to hit 20 as a record...
i think the end would be the mother lose the ability of ...
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