税表tips, (for F1, with intern or coop experience)
2006-03-08 16:22:00
今天惊奇的发现我一个做过几次intern的朋友,居然不知道怎么报这个税,我在来科普一下,in case 有些人不知道,
一般说来,你要把所有w2上的工资加起来作为你home state的税表上面的总收入,(即使你的intern不是在你的home state做的)(home state,就是你填resident税表的那个州),大部分州都有这个要求。所以一定要看仔细了。
不过呢,如果你在另外一个州交州税了,一般来说可以在home state resident 税表上报deduction, (for example, MA是在schedule Z上面)
另外有些州,比如CA,即使你是NR,在填总收入的时候也要是所有收入的总和(包括不在那个州的收入),这个总和是用来计算你的税率的, 真正taxable的income就是你在那个州挣的钱了。
不知道说明白乐没有,再来解释一遍。Assume你住在state I, 你填这个州的resident表, 你在这个州的总收入是X。Assume你在state II 做了intern,你在这个州的总收入是Y。
case 1: if state I is state II, 你填X+Y 就对了。
case 2: if state I and state II are different,这个你就要看instruction,大部分要求你把X+Y都填在两个州的税表上。
如果你在state II 给Y交过税了,那么一般在state 1的表上,可以把这部分税deduct掉。
state II上面的X+Y 是用来计算tax rate德,你用这个税率交Y那部分收入的税。
Sorry, I don't know. You need to check the instruction for this. I remember seeing something related to foreign income.
some questions:
1.LZ这里所说的都是针对state tax,而不是federal tax,对吧?
3.住在stateI, intern在stateII做的,可是在两个州都算non-resident(在米国待还不满5年),是不是stateI和stateII都要用X+Y是来计算tax rate?
1, yes, it is for state tax.
2. You could be non-resident for federal tax purpose, but you might very well be a resident for state tax purpose. You need to check your state tax form instruction to see if you are NR or resident. In MA, where I live, if you live in MA (off campus) for more than 6 months, you are considered as MA resident.
3. From what I have seen, you need to use X+Y for both state I and stateII in most of the cases, e.g. MA and CA. But there are several exceptions. I don't remember which state belongs to those "exceptions". This is usually defined in the instruction for "total income" line. If you want, you can tell me which states you need to file tax forms and I can look it up for you.
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