2006-10-19 19:02:00
上个月在网上买了一个路由器, 加上30块的rebate算下来还挺划算的, 把rebate form, receipt, 还有upc按上面的地址寄了过去, 前两天收到一份信, 说没有提交upc, 要我把缺交的upc寄给他们, 真是气人, 明明是跟receipt一起寄出去的, 竟然说没收到 原件我已经寄给他们没有了, 我之前把upc扫描下来过, 是不是就寄一份复印的过去可以呢? 大家有类似的经历吗? 都是怎么解决的能说说吗? 谢谢大家
以下是引用Stella在2006-10-19 19:04:00的发言:
yes, a copy of UPC is usually OK for resubmission. Which rebate center is it?
yes, a copy of UPC is usually OK for resubmission. Which rebate center is it?
路由器的厂家叫trendnet,查rebate的状态提供的地址是, mm在那买过东西吗?之前寄过rebate, 都没出现过这种情况呢
以下是引用Stella在2006-10-19 19:24:00的发言:
yes, I bought a router from them before and received the rebate check without any problem.
I think you have two options:
call the rebate center (find the number on the rebate form or the letter (post card) the send you), ask their fax number and send the UPC by fax (usually you can get your rebate validated faster this way)
Send a copy of the UPC with the post card then sent you and wait them to update the record for you.
yes, I bought a router from them before and received the rebate check without any problem.
I think you have two options:
call the rebate center (find the number on the rebate form or the letter (post card) the send you), ask their fax number and send the UPC by fax (usually you can get your rebate validated faster this way)
Send a copy of the UPC with the post card then sent you and wait them to update the record for you.
谢谢mm, mm人真好!
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