最近chase cc$100 和BOA $125的经验
2006-10-18 22:22:00
暑假起在这里学习,谢谢大家的帮助,最近从chase 和BOA得了bonus.谈谈经历,罗嗦重复处,见谅:)
(btw,经常看到有人问什么拿bonus 有hard inquiry,我不是很懂,sorry. couldn't help about that)
1)Chase credit card. 5% on gas, grocery etc. Chase Cash Plus Rewards Mastercard
Chase Cash Plus Rewards Visa Card
call 1-888-787-0329 to apply. Offer code TP7, $100 bonus
(Note: 2YL was for MasterCard, expired) ----MITbbs
我打电话申请的,当时用的2YL,很顺利,虽然最后印度mm给我解释term听不懂.我就最后confirm我能拿到100$.大概2周,卡到.1个月后statement上就有了100$的10000points,然后到www.choosemyrewards.com上选择了2 张50$checks,3天后寄来,相当的快.
看了大家的介绍,我在网上申请的.也很顺利,我当时用了那个online chat,representive很nice,我选择了campusedge,和regular saving. 申请的时候身份用的是pR, 然后其他的rep说无所谓,比如奖学金额(年薪),职位,等.我当时用一张credit card fund 我的两个账户checking 25$,saving 100$,这个是以purchase的形式从credit card上划钱,不是cash advance.所以挺好的.
申请完后,大概给了个什么confirm email说要审查,大概1-2周后收到check card, 第2天收到密码.用卡号和密码,就能在网上查账户.然后又收到一个weird 的signature forms mail,里面2张signature forms,("W9?"记不清楚了)还有一张custom copy,意思貌似是要我寄回去2张signature forms,不过没有回邮地址和任何那方面信息.我先是打BOA 电话,他们让我去local点才行,实在太远,不想去,我试着打了form上的一个电话,他们告诉了回邮地址,就寄回去了.form上有选择是否需要check card之类的,我在旁边写上了 "already got".
我是8月底申请的这2个卡,现在bonus 都回来了.谢谢大家帮助.
code. I gave that code, and directly asked if that 's for 100$.
I think you can just call to try and ask if it's still working. (I hope so:)
good luck!
$100 bonus: do they send in check or do they deposit it as credit? The reps said it is 0% but if I do balance transfer, they will charge transfer fee.
it is not redeemed in credit form. 这个bonus会直接换算成points,可以在第一个月的statment里面看到开户bonus.或者上www.choosemyrewards.com去查看,你的bonus中会多出相当于100$的points,然后你就可以用redeem成check.
我印象中不少卡即使有0%apr,都还是有BT transfer fee的.不太清楚具体哪些没有transfer fee.
good luck
I didnt find any bonus info in the card package either.
good luck!
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