2003-08-10 19:23:00
noboay tint the windows oh
以下是引用dollhouse在8/10/2003 9:45:17 PM的发言:
以下是引用iceox在8/10/2003 7:23:55 PM的发言:
noboay tint the windows oh
everybd loves the sunshine then, i guess ^^
I always mirror-tint my cars, dont have time take a pic of mine yet, but will do later
以下是引用laoyv在8/11/2003 6:11:44 PM的发言:
I got my windshield hit by a small stone a couple of days ago, a small crack but not serious, replacement will take a couple of hundred dollars. feel sad about it.....
I got my windshield hit by a small stone a couple of days ago, a small crack but not serious, replacement will take a couple of hundred dollars. feel sad about it.....
[此贴子已经被作者于8/11/2003 10:48:06 PM编辑过]
check w/ ur car-insurance company, they should have that fixed within 60 box, and it would not be coming from your pocket.
以下是引用laoyv在8/11/2003 11:27:55 PM的发言:
If I am not wrong, u will be on a prelude.........
If I am not wrong, u will be on a prelude.........
i used to drive a prelude, hehe, nice & low ride, went on 120mile per hr w/ it once on a straight ride. felt like the car was gonna to fly, got scared, hehe
wonder what is the fastest ride did you ever get w/ ur tt?
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