2008-12-10 10:37:00
Madly (seashell pink)
[upload=jpg,madly 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295678116.jpg[/upload]
[upload=jpg,madly and lovejoy 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295670658.jpg[/upload]
[upload=jpg,madly and luster 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295667397.jpg[/upload]
[upload=jpg,madly and penny lane 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295612965.jpg[/upload]
[upload=jpg,madly lovejoy luster 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295691868.jpg[/upload]
[upload=jpg,madly luster lovejoy penny lane 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295681498.jpg[/upload]
以下是引用mingobingo在2008-12-10 10:50:00的发言:
chic mm,你有dream lover的e/s duo吗,听说是2004年的春季款。。。偶这几天在找swatch没找到哎。。。
我原本以为有。。现在找不到了。。估计被我swap出去了。。。对我来说太不显色了。。。。chic mm,你有dream lover的e/s duo吗,听说是2004年的春季款。。。偶这几天在找swatch没找到哎。。。
以下是引用mingobingo在2008-12-10 10:58:00的发言:
哦,那偶就拔草了。。偶看到sephora上多放出来这个e/s duo。。
嘻嘻。。先拔其他草。。dream love 和windstar 类似。。我觉得不急着要。。。哦,那偶就拔草了。。偶看到sephora上多放出来这个e/s duo。。
以下是引用tryfirst在2008-12-10 11:14:00的发言:
Thanks for sharing. O looks better than DT. For older people like my mom or aunt, do you think which looks better, O or DT? Thanks.
O的shimmer不好说。。有很多人觉得上脸以后不好看。。如果她们皮肤太cool tone,我会推荐DT > O.
以下是引用catwalk在2008-12-10 22:22:00的发言:
i think so too. =))))))))我发现好多nars的眼影配色就是电影海报上的颜色啊
以下是引用echolee在2008-12-11 1:59:00的发言:
Brazil is more vivid. 好多啊。暖色系的我选BRAZIL 还是 BOHEMIAN GOLD啊?这2色啥区别?
Bohemian gold is relatively more neutral.
I would recommend Bohemian gold. It is easier to handle than Brazil.
以下是引用felinefeline在2008-12-11 2:57:00的发言:
只有口红像edith 以下是引用schokomilch在2008-12-12 11:14:00的发言:
现在终于有机会买到一些停产的色号了,已经决定买ireland,babylon,marienbad,magambo,arctic,blue angel
这几个:new delight,pacifica,calypso,dream lover,哪个还值得收呢?是不是这几个颜色都不大显色呢?
paris's matte grey looks like dark navy. For some reason, it shows up navy on my lid. The white side is silver not icy blue. 现在终于有机会买到一些停产的色号了,已经决定买ireland,babylon,marienbad,magambo,arctic,blue angel
这几个:new delight,pacifica,calypso,dream lover,哪个还值得收呢?是不是这几个颜色都不大显色呢?
marienbad is a lot more neutral than jezebel once applied. It is better than Jezebel if you are on a neutral, subtle, demure kick.
But I agree they are utterly similar.
Calypso is a great duo. Very unique and flattering. it is one of my fav.
Dream lover is nice if you have very pale skins. Might not show up on >NC20. I don't have new delight.
以下是引用iewily在2008-12-12 12:18:00的发言:
我目前有orgasm, crazed, sin, zen, 想再添一块~所以想找找参考~~我偏白, 平常一般就刷刷腮红夹夹睫毛就出门啦........
only one....en.....orgasm can rule out DT, torrid, super o; sin can rule out oasis, outlaw...crazed can rule out cool tone blushes at this time..
among exhibit A, mounia, taos, DV (reds), I would recommend exhibit A; among luster, madly, sertao, lovejoy (neutral shimmers) i would recommend luster first.
If you are cool tone, Exhibit A first ; if you are warm tone, Luster first.
=) my 2 cents
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-12 12:39:19编辑过]
以下是引用iewily在2008-12-12 12:57:00的发言:
no, DV was actually my choice if I were you. =)))))))) Go for it!
EA不会太红么?...因为我平常都不怎么化妆, 担心刷太突出的腮红会不自然呢.......
但是desire之类的candy pink也不适合我....不走可爱路线的......
有人和我推荐过DV, MM觉得合适么? 我看着颜色挺成熟的...而且我想要一块和我其他的腮红颜色差别比较大的~~DV符合吗?~
I suggest Luster and EA since they are unique, very different from what you have. But DV would be more flattering. DV is most sophisticated brick red IMHO. My HG blush.
Luster is not mature looking. It is high shine and peachy. Lovejoy and madly are mature indeed.
Desire, angelika or mata hari are not the best choices precisely for the reason you said.
EA is not that red with light hand... It is orange-ish red... the tomato color... so it is very brightening, brighten up your face even if a light hand.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-12 13:13:59编辑过]
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