[讨论] 谁知道消费税的算法?
2006-08-13 17:23:00
以前一直没注意, 今天无意中仔细算了一下, 怎么都对不号. 奇怪.
What are those "Tax 1", "tax 3"? And what are those "R", or "X", or "T" after each item?
one receipt from wal-mart, using Citi Divident card.
Antifreeze, 6.88 X
Subtotal: 6.88
Tax 1 6.750%, 0.46
Tax 3 2.0%, 0.14 (这是什么?)
Total 7.48
another one from wal-mart:
two Wrig Orbit P (口腔糖), 0.84x2 R
and some fabric, total 14.96 X
subtotal 16.64
Tax 1: 6.75% 1.01
Tax 3: 2%, 0.33
Total 17.98
It is only that town where the wal-mart locates. In other towns, it is easy to figure out.
By the way, I think the state only decide the sale tax guidelines, and each town can change it, right?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-13 17:45:41编辑过]
我知道了. wal-mart 再骗人! 我一直以为他们家的税是 6.75%, 还觉得便宜呀, 周围的都是 8.75% 的说. 结果一查, 该区域的税是 8.75% (wal-mart 不可能少收吧).
所有的东西都收先 2% 的税 (tax 3). 然后非食品的东西, 再加收 6.75% 的税(tax 1). 如果按这样计算的话, 我手边的几张它家的收据都对的上号. 晕!
here is the sale tax list for Illinois:
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