[原创] 选股的方法
2006-08-24 22:23:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 22:27:50编辑过]
I always heard my colleague saying this stock is doing good today, but not others. So I kind know what kind of stock he is trading. 谈股论今 also provided us some good stock to look at. Ya, I know, we havent heard from him for a while. My point is get some information from colleagues and friends to start with, then go from there, such as looking at financials and news for those stocks you might be interested in.
It's always prudent to hedge your position, i.e., make your portfolio in a combination of small and large companies' stock.
It is not an easy task to play in the stock market. It requires lots of time doing research.
Good post and thanks for sharing your thoughts.
如果我有朋友精通这个就好了. 可惜认识的人都半斤八两. 和和.
这应该是很牛很正统的方法了吧? 那些走fundamental的不都就这样干的吗?
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