2006-09-16 01:54:00
My experience with them is good so far.
事情是这样的,我8月pay了五百多块,交钱的时候好像是晚了一天还是什么,多要我pay了1.2刀,我就pay了,到了这个月9/14,我一查,又要pay1.2刀,我这个月一次都没使这张卡,又是什么PURCHASES*FINANCE CHARGE*PERIODIC RATE ,莫名其妙,而且啊,还有个什么credit protector,打电话过去要cancel这个服务,变态女的死活就是不给我办,把我的电话一会转这个地方,一会转到那个department,都说citi好,好个什么啊,我用chase的用了那么长时间也啥事情没有
Purchases Finance Charge 相当于收的利息, 只要你有balance, 就要收这个钱。只有“0 利率”的卡不收这个钱。你那张Citi 不是“0 利率”,所以要收利息。
Credit protector 只要打电话,就可以cancel 了。我就是有一次给Citi 打电话的时候,他们问我要不要这个服务,我糊里糊涂就加了。后来发现,原来要收钱,就打电话cancel 了。后来我吸取教训了,世上哪有免费的午餐啊,无论他们说什么服务,我都一律说no.
That tip is important. Plus, those good things NEVER NEVER come to you by themself. You must request in order to get.
One very important reminder:
once you carry balance, ALL your spendings after that day are ALL considered as balance for interests calculation.
I once own American Experssion 1 cent (I wrote the check wrongly, missing 1 cent). Then the next month, the finance charge is 2.9$!!!
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