2006-12-18 21:24:00
Read the news somewhere the other day says that even though US economy is slowing down, elsewhere around the world, such as Asia, still sees potential growth in the future.
Hopefully this is not the bubble and hopefully it's not because of the year-end rally.
China, India, and Europe.
Thanks for the clarification
I think China should have a point here, at least for the 2008 game.
PS: MORGAN STANLEY CHINA (CAF) grow 8.x% today.
wow, do you have the YTD growth number or chart to share?
You can get that form yahoo easily. http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=CAF
It is a kind of new.
Another one is FXI, http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=FXI, having about 2 years of history.
No good enough environment, this is true. But it is not necessary related to the stock prices.
In the past several years, most of the fast growing stocks are in developing and emerging market, not in developed market.
Europe this year is an exception, and it may change the above view though.
Wait and see.
I also mostly focus on FXI, and its components stocks.
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