买mutual fund的入门的问题
2007-12-06 12:38:00
现在后知后觉地想买一点mutual fund,考虑了vanguard,fidelity(401K的公司),scottrade。
大家觉得那个公司的比较好呢?是不是vanguard的收费最省呢? 费用最省会不会是指服务最差呢?还是performance不好? 应该有原因吧? 还是以后redeemption的话,不是很方便?
还有就是能不能推荐一下vanguard的那个mutual fund比较好一些?或者是哪类的比较值得买?
多谢啦。 偶在fidelity的401K都是-4.9%了。
vanguard, fidelity, troweprice are very good mutual fund company. If you only want to buy mutual funds from one of the above companies, then just choose that company as where you put your money. The downside is if you want to buy some mutual funds from other companies, it's going to be very expensive.
As to why vanguard is cheap? Most of vanguard's funds are index funds. It doesn't mean they are bad investment.
scottrade is a broker, so if you want to buy mutual funds from a variety of companies or maybe individual stocks, it's cheaper to try a broker, like etrade, scotrade...
very helpful! 多谢好心的解答!
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