2009-12-28 18:48:00
事情缘起与一个好友兼roommate K的运动过度,因为K他真的是一个非常sporty的人,27岁,一个星期7天至少有5天要2个小时以上的运动,常年如此。但是两个月前一次运动完以后回来,坐下来看电脑3个小时,起来的时候觉得脚底麻了。过了2天没有那么麻了,然后就是走路觉得好像脚底下垫了什么东西,反正是funny的感觉,如果用手按下去就只有前三个脚趾的脚尖有异常的感觉。然后去看医生,cat scan,脚底反射都做了。排除了骨折和神经瘤的可能性,医生也只是建议k物理治疗。他自己说就是觉得是运动性末梢神经损伤,症状是nerve pain, numbness, tingling等典型的症状。而这些所有的症状,在躺下来或者没有施加任何压力的时候是完全没有的,和正常一样。但是一旦站起来,给脚施加压力一段时间,比如运动起来,或者走很长的路就开始痛。虽然不是大的问题,但是足够bother到他不能享受到运动的乐趣。
1) Wat is K's ethnic group?
2) At this point of time, wat is his general health condition?
3) Any sign(s) of inflammation or odema?
before prescription or suggesting a blend, is good to know more about his blood pressure as well as some of
his body systems function, i.e. Cardiac (Heart), kidneys & renals & liver functions
From info given abv, I suspected that he might be suffering from a nerve pain call: sciatica nerve pain
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/28 18:53:38编辑过]
1) K是asian, cantonese+taiwanese的混血,1/4 korean.
2)k很健康, 血压,心脏,肾脏等非常正常。除了有先天性的高胆固醇,所以要常年吃降胆固醇药物,所以要定时检查肝功能,而目前为止完全正常。K没有颈椎,腰椎的病史。他爸爸有轻微的糖尿病。
sciatica nerve pain makes perfect sense to me, could be caused by nerve compression.
Prescribing a blend is as good as oral intake although it is adminster and inducing thru the skin
therefore precaution is neccessary.
这个和松果体(Pineal gland)有直接关联 - 大家自己做做功课哈
对了,还有physician 帮他做过坐骨神经的反射诊断,k是完全正常的。
it help with many ways including uplifting etc., for a start
An healthy Asian has higher tolerance in essential oils from spices compared to the white and
those who are sub-norm or those who always pale looking.
Unfortunately nearly all western 'Experts' classified all spices oil under Toxic List - Clove bud has carcinogenic effect...and I felt pregnancy women should not be deprived from using essential oils ~ a gift from mother nature!
I.e. Jasmine flowers farmer's pregnant wife will still be staying in her farm/garden till her childbirth.
An example of peppermint, thyme, winter green is been used wisely for decays on aches and pains as well
as respiratory system compliants since Qianlong and yet no trace record of death has been reported!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/29 0:31:33编辑过]
Ah, I think I finally got it why ethnicity is a key factor to consider at the first place before prescribe any analgesic EO.
The differences among different ethnic groups have important implications for the way we shall prescribe therapeutic oil toward, say, the white; even there are huge distinctions within white ethnic group, like some Caucasians are much more pale than the others. Ethnicity is just as important as age or gender in terms of tolerance level, especially for the EO from spices that are generally considered high risk of toxicity while renowned for their analgesic effects, e.g. clove, black pepper, thyme, turmeric, and such.
Thank you F master, this is the kinda information hard to find anywhere else. I greatly appreciate it!
东西方人在生活,饮食和人种之间的差异还有气候的转变都没有被专家们考虑在内!怎能称得上是holistic approach?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/29 19:25:19编辑过]
BTW, I had made a synergy for K that could last for about 4 days, most from citrus EO: lemon, grapefruit, bergamot (1:1:1); 6d every time in foot bath. It is mostly for uplifting, while it could slightly reduce water retention and work as mild lymphatic stimulant. K should start using it in the next few days.
1) Essential oils in warm water will be rapidly evaporate in the air, it gives no significant benefit to physical condition except room fragrance
2) Warm or close to hot water may draw more blood/body fluid to feet but may not be effectively returning to the heart that may increase more fluid at the original fluid retention areas - this is also not recommended for pregnancy women who has similar conditions
Suggest, apply your blend as body lotion and raise both legs resting on pillow before bedtime.
simple legs exercise while resting both legs on pillow has an immediate effect. Give it a try.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/29 19:35:21编辑过]
can't agree more! I guess I now learn more about the word ‘holistic’.
It's funny that you mentioned people read the big name Aromatherapy books as if we are reading Bible, cause I said the same thing just a few hours ago as I browsed the book review from Martin Watt, a medical herbalist. He commented on Robert Tisserand's book "How to use plant oils for health and beauty" as "The Author may have corrected some of his basic errors in subsequent works, but this early book indicates his fundamental lack of knowledge on his subject matter". I'd say I am utterly shocked to see this. As to Tisserand's renowed bible safety book "Essential oil safety", Watt commented "I do not blame Robert Tisserand for the misleading information to be found in this book. He is not an expert in essential oil analysis or chemistry. " This is like a wakeup call for me. I don't take sides on either Tisserand or Watt, as a matter of facts, I respect them both tremendously, yet I will bear that in mind and take all books with "a grain of salt"!
Tony balac contributed in this book too. The inside story said Tony balac contributed most in this book.
Only God knows!
Thanks! These make great sense, I will make it into lotion and suggest K to do leg exercise.
If I understand this correctly, hot foot bath is still beneficial in many ways like relaxation or detoxification, but in the case like pain or pregnancy, we should at least try to mitigate fluid retention to prevent the situation get worse.
Obviously, pregnancy women are not encourage when they are suffering from fluid retention at the late stage of pregnancy,
as explained, condition can be worsen
wow, then Watt must have to blame the Tony for it....wait, he it is...
I hold Tony Balacs responsible as co-author. He was trained in chemistry and only seemed to understand individual chemicals, rather than the enormously complex chemical blends found in plant extracts. That subject is a specialist branch of chemistry called phytochemistry which it seems he did not train in.
These kind of fundamentally unsound chemical-based theories are what has become the accepted norm among career toxicologists. It is leading to the destruction of the ability of traditional healers and those who want to utilise plant extracts in products, to be able to obtain and/or use them. This book does not help us by sorting safety facts from chemical theories.
BTW, this is book that is recommended in both NAHA level I and level II class that I took...what the hell?
Who noes Robert may present himself a better-of person after 10 years disappearing from this industry!
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