[求助]traditional IRA
2007-03-14 21:36:00
403(b) is the tax -sheltered annuity plans for employees of
public schools and some non-profit organizations. It is extremely similar to a
401k plan. So you are covered by a qualified employer retirement plan subjected
to IRA rules under
tax code.
What you assume the plan isn't "qualified" actually is another
issue. When the employer doesn’t make contributions to employee accounts
(matching ect), it means this 403(b) is
not a qualified "ERISA" (Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) plan. The further discussion would be very tedious.
So the short answer
of your question is : yes, you have a retirement plan.
除非是非常特殊的403b(少有), 你的403b是你的retirement plan. 所以你有retirement plan. (至于那些非常少有的403b plan 是算成IRA, 如果超过contribution limit, 你就不能开IRA了. )
你提到的"employer matching" 才算"qualified" retirement plan, 指的是这个plan不符合"ERISA", 那就是这个plan不象401K那样有严格的条例和破产保护等等...
关于IRA的疑问, 一切要 看PUBLICATION 590,
这是根据US internal revenue code对IRA 一字一句的解释. 如果那些1040的Instructions里的字眼和Publication 有出入, 以Publication为准....
page 15 , table 1-2 有讲解如何算deductible contribution
There are three boxes there, "retirement plan" box should be checked. If not, I highly recommend you to verify with your HR ...
Disclaimer ---
Any specific questions should be directed to your tax professional.
以上意见纯属个人观点, 贪玩而已. 话一出口, 概不负责.
如果你对我的回答有质疑, 请到下列网站找正确答案---
税 --->IRS , 一切以publication为准,
投资常识 ---> SEC , NASD,
投资数据 --> Morningstar,
保险 ---> 各州insurance department,
Financial planning ---> CFP
我不推荐投资公司的出版物. 此外, 每家公司有不同的compliance标准, 过往的经验不代表现在的经历. 在patriot act实行以后, 有些表格和条款是必须的…
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