OSCCF前线快报翻译贴(URL, terminology)
2008-05-18 23:51:00
ok, I will cover mon-wed, then you pick up from wed afternoon. I have a business trip from wed afternoon. will email you the stuff wed noon.
更新了HEADER PICTURE和夕颜MM发过来的最新口罩图片.
一时半会找不到了, 哪位同学有,告诉我一下.
我看了一下source code,里面有一堆的
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More than 600 children resumed their classes in Jiuzhou Stadium of Mianyang, with 600 sets of school supplies donated by OSCCF.
Currently the disaster relief effort has entered another crucial stage, focusing on preventing communicable disease outbreaks. OSCCF rushed out some education materials and sent volunteers to victims' residential areas to promote the knowledge, as well as to distribute disinfection supplies. Meanwhile OSCCF use their established channel to keep sending masks, gloves and other protective products to the soldiers who are rescuing in the front line.
以下是引用as_still_water在2008-5-22 18:55:00的发言:
Now the relief effort has entered another stage that's focused on preventing communicable disease outbreaks, and helping quake victims to settle down. Chen Xiaowei, the president of OSCCF said, we can use the rest of OSCCF earthquake donations to buy some basics such as rice, flour, and oil and distribute to the people. According to our volunteers in Guangyuan and Qiangchuan areas, many quake victims had suffered from starvation for many days due to lack of food.
This disaster is so devastating which will certainly have long-term impact to many areas. It means our relief work needs to be planed for long-term as well. Chen suggested, it will take some time for the corporations' gift matching funds to come into OSCCF's account. So this part of donation can be used for the post-disaster reconstruction. She said, I hope with OSCCF's effort, we can at least build a school that can sustain earthquakes.
- Aim to help the rural elementary schools that had been destroyed in the 5.12 earthquake. One school should be able to enroll at least 270 students.
- Fund allocation plan:
The budget to build an earthquake-proof elementary school is $80,000. OSCCF can do the following arrangement based on how much is left:
- With $35,000, we can construct school infrastructures such as buildings.
- With $20,000, we can purchase some basic supplies such as desks, chairs, and blackboards, .etc.
- With $15,000, we can purchase electronics including 20 computers, 1 printer, 1 scanner, 1 copy machine and some educational VCDs
- With $10,000, we can purchase 4000 books, including text books, art, literature, popular science and some reference books.
这段要放吗? 放哪里???
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-22 19:25:50编辑过]
Now the relief effort has entered another stage that's focused on preventing communicable disease outbreaks, and helping quake victims to settle down. Chen Xiaowei, the president of OSCCF said, we can use the rest of OSCCF earthquake donations to buy some basics such as rice, flour, and oil and distribute to the people. According to our volunteers in Guangyuan and Qiangchuan areas, many quake victims had suffered from starvation for many days due to lack of food.
This disaster is so devastating which will certainly have long-term impact to many areas. It means our relief work needs to be planed for long-term as well. Chen suggested, it will take some time for the corporations' gift matching funds to come into OSCCF's account. So this part of donation can be used for the post-disaster reconstruction. She said, I hope with OSCCF's effort, we can at least build a school that can sustain earthquakes.
- Aim to help the rural elementary schools that had been destroyed in the 5.12 earthquake. One school should be able to enroll at least 270 students.
- Fund allocation plan:
The budget to build an earthquake-proof elementary school is $80,000. OSCCF can do the following arrangement based on how much is left:
- With $35,000, we can construct school's infrastructure such as buildings.
- With $20,000, we can purchase some basic supplies such as desks, chairs, and blackboards, .etc.
- With $15,000, we can purchase electronics including 20 computers, 1 printer, 1 scanner, 1 copy machine and some educational VCDs
- With $10,000, we can purchase 4000 books, including text books, art, literature, popular science and some reference books.
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