<FONT color=#44BB44 size=2><STRONG>『08年报税季节活动』resident</S
2009-03-08 17:44:00
我在nyc工作住在nj,现在opt。nj的规定是即使只是part-year resident,只要收入过线就要按resident来报,不管是否non resident alien。我在填nj的1040,然后有几个问题请教大家,头大死了:
1。line 14: 填w-2上的数字还是w-2减去5000 treaty的数字?我是opt,所以还可以用treaty
2。line 29: 按照在nj的居住月份prorate后,只有300块,正确吗?line 12a 田的是1
3。line 40: 按照schedule A 算出来的比例,虽然我ny的tax比nj要多,可是这个比例小于100%,也就是说我要补nj的税了,可是又听说可以全部抵扣的,很迷惑。schedule A算错了?
4。line 44: use tax. ny也有这个项目,几十块,大家是填0还是按照他提供表格上的数字填?
5。如果我要补税,是不是寄check就可以了?需要的表格是否就是1040 和schedule A?
6。那个rent rebate是什么东东呀?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-8 23:29:38编辑过]
我突然醒悟了 你用的是不是 1040 nr的表呀
我还是不明白 1040是federal的用的 不是nj用的
难道你们nj有专门的 1040用来报州税?
如果是 可能需要nj的通宵来回答了
Thank you so much!
那个rent property的话,line 36(C)不是可以deduct?按照房租的18%来算。还有1040的最后一页homestead rebate application可以申请的吧?
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-16 14:24:24编辑过]
F1 5年后,无论联邦税州税市税,都要按照resident报了,对么?
for federal, yes. for state and city, depending on which state/city, for eg, in nj, as long as you live there, even if you are nr for federal income tax purposes, you are considered r.
lg F1,去年上半年学校里拿fellowship,交了联邦税,可我记得应该什么税都不用交?那应该如何把这联邦税要回来呢?
if it's non-service fellowship, it's not taxable. just file a return to ask for refund. you may also need to ask for a statement from your lg's univ certifying that this fellowship is non-service.
下半年CPT,联邦税州税市税都交了,可是发现公司的W2上第10项dependent care benefits也写了470,这个是不是就是FSA?当时第一个月我们发现公司扣了FSA之后,马上去跟HR的说,我们不qualify FSA的,因为我F2不工作的。公司答应停扣FSA了,但可能第一个月的还是扣掉了,怎么办呢?会不会查出来说我们故意想逃税?
dont quite understand this. FSA is flexible spending account which is before tax deduction for eligible health care expenditure. I dont know whether it's reflected in w-2 box 10. But as long as your lg is working, he can have FSA if his company sponsors this.
Dont worry about IRS audit. You are filing your return now. if there is anything wrong, just correct it when filing your 2008 return, timely.
depending on how much your lg earned in 2008. again, calculate the tax and if withheld less, then make payment to irs now. for the treaty benefit, i assume your lg is still eligible, so just claim it. But in your case, you have 1042, it seems that the fellowship is taxable and amounts in w-2 and 1042 should be your total fellowship.
W2上,16项>18项,市税表格上要求,遇到这样的情况,收入应该填16项的数目。但W2的city copy上,只有18项的数目,16项是空白的,那我该怎么填呢?
dont know.
收到IRS一封信,是interest income,这个钱是不是要在联邦税州税的表格里填进去,然后补税?
what do you mean by "a letter from irs"? is it 1099-int? it's from financial institution. check whether the form shows tax withheld. if your lg is nr, interest income is non-taxable. if r, just file your return with interest income.
check your lg's univ, if it offers cintax, use it. if not, you may want to consider turbotax or other software. good luck.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-16 14:28:01编辑过]
我2008年6月毕业,到另外一州工作。我需要报两个州税。请问$5000的 treaty 应该在哪个州减?银行利息应放在哪个州?谢谢!
you need to check whether you can claim treaty exemption in these states.
interest generally is taxable everywhere if you are r.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-19 15:52:43编辑过]
in nj, you may be eligible for homestead rebate. you may also claim deduction OR credit for 18% of rent you paid in 2008 if you are eligible. check nj's instruction.
[此贴子已经被icyscorpio于2009-3-19 15:52:56编辑过]
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