Succeeding at Your Interview: A Practical Guide for Teacher
2008-11-04 16:38:00
Succeeding at Your Interview: A Practical Guide for Teachers
Authors: Rita S. Brause, Christine P. Donohue, Alice W. Ryan
Language: English
Edition: 1
Product Description
Succeeding at Your Interview: A Practical Guide for Teachers uses an effective interactive format to present core information about interviewing for a teaching job, document a wide variety of interview processes, guide teacher candidates in developing strategies for interviewing, and increase their confidence in communicating their professional knowledge. In a spiral process, readers are asked to consider scenarios, respond to questions, contemplate the perspective offered by the authors, and modify their responses. The goal is to help teacher candidates develop and articulate a clear idea of their own professional knowledge and of the culture of the schools at which they are interviewing.
Special features:
*Eleven detailed chapters and five interview scenarios engage the reader in continuous reflective practice in the multifaceted activities integral to interviewing--beginning with organizing the job search and proceeding through the entire interview process.
*The scenarios implicitly develop knowledge and the chapters explicitly detail the information.
*Specific interview situations engage readers in articulating their professional knowledge, linking theory and practice.
*"Keep in Mind" comments, Margin Notes, and Decision Trees provide opportunities to reflect on the issues and develop personal responses.
*Sample documents, formats, questions, and responses enhance understanding of evaluation processes.
*Graphic organizers at the beginning and end of each chapter provide visual representations of the concepts and concerns addressed in each chapter, assisting the reader in identifying chapters relevant to their current needs in the job search and in synthesizing, organizing, and reviewing the information contained in the chapter.
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