Smart Talent Management: Building Knowledge Assets for Comp
2008-11-12 17:24:00
Authors: Vlad Vaiman, Charles M. Vance
Language: English
Pages: 270
Product Description
This book takes a fresh look at human talent in organizations, focusing on employees at all levels who represent key agents of knowledge management in acquiring, transferring, and applying important knowledge for competitive advantage. The overarching aim of the book is to identify, define, and explore the implementation of talent management strategies aimed at facilitating effective knowledge management in an organization. The contributors provide a valuable fusion of two important areas of emphasis for current research and practice in human resource management: talent management and knowledge management. They illustrate the immense significance of the latter to competitive advantage and organizational success in our rapidly changing global knowledge-based economy.The generation and acquisition of ideas and knowledge, their internal transfer and application throughout the organization, and the cross-border transfer of knowledge - all through the effective management of human talent - have become integral and important parts of contemporary management. The contributors examine planning and staffing, training/coaching, performance management, and organizational learning and development. Academics and human resource management practitioners and management consultants will find this volume valuable.
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