去投票了。 虽然我们州没悬念,还是要坚决表达立场
2012-11-06 14:26:00
回来了。 哈哈。好多人的名字都没听过,就挑着R选。
我知道我要挨板子。但罗姆尼上台打仗的可能性更大。打仗是刺激经济最快捷的方式啊。 run~~~~~~~~~
voting with war possiblity in mind! I am going for Ron Paul
小布什当年的军备呀, 一年多少来者,
ron paul现在还参选吗?mm如果喜欢ron paul的观点可以投票给libertarian party的候选人,ron paul的观点基本和LP的观点是一致(老爷子88年的时候作为这个党的候选人参加过选举)。不过……这个党的候选人肯定是选不过o8和螺母的,太透明了……
I am not sure, I don't like either of those big twos. I will check the waiting line when I go home from work.
What is the base? War was adding to our national debt, somebody else made himself and his friend very rich instead. American can't be strong with only the troops.
光不光荣见仁见智。一路私校还算home base?还没提他家庭的connections。这都是soft assets。
family background and connections are much more important than academic merits
克林顿时期也打仗的, 波黑不也炸过吗, 和美国有个毛关系。 账打好了顺便卖点军火,我看美国就军火这个行业有前途,可自己的娃不争气,以后科研搞不过中国也就完蛋了。
Clinton was on very small scale, not much loss in US side. I wonder who made money from those arms and ammunition here, but everybody who paid tax paid for those wars!
美国军火收入是很大一块进口。 其他的企业不行, 那就靠这个呗, 中国和苏联那个不卖?
Question is who got the money? why so much addtion to our national debt?
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