2024-11-10 19:53:06
对 应该往最有爱心的麻省送
应该送去暖和的地方, 在麻州过一个月能冻死人的。 话说小时候我爸在医院工作, 他说过医院送来个流浪汉, 冻伤到要截肢, 但是没人出截肢的钱, 只能等死, 好在可以一直住院。
回复 1楼 hioc 的帖子
怎么可能是自己拉来的? 是德州州长和福州州长大巴飞机扔过来的
为此, 纽约市长还打官司, 试图阻止移民大巴进入, 结果判决是阻止大巴进入是违反了宪法里人民travel的权利
For one, she wrote, states are not permitted to regulate the interstate transportation of people based on their economic status.
The statute also “violates a fundamental right — the right to travel,” she added.
Rosado said requiring bus operators to screen passengers based on the possibility that they may need public assistance when they get to their destination would infringe on that fundamental right, and punishing the bus companies for failing to keep poor people out of the city would be improper.
The judge concluded by saying that if city officials want to do something, they should turn to Congress rather than ask the court to enforce “an antiquated, unconstitutional statute to infringe on an individual's right to enter New York based on economic status.”
过去短短2年时间, 纽约市安置了20万非法移民, 花费 $5 billion, 2025年这个数字可能会double
NYC migrant crisis costs will crack eye-popping $5 billion on shelters, security and food — amount could double by 2025
New York City has likely surpassed $5 billion in spending on services for migrants — including nearly $2 billion alone on housing the scores of new arrivals flooding into the Big Apple, according to city data.
The eye-popping figures, listed on the city’s online asylum-seeker funding tracker, shows the city overall spent $4.88 billion combined through fiscal years 2023 and ‘24. Based on the rate of spending, the city likely exceeded more than $112 million since the start of the new fiscal year beginning July 1, or will soon, cracking $5 billion.
Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has even projected the cost could double, hitting $10 billion over the three year period ending June 30, 2025.
The money spent so far includes:
- $1.98 billion on housing and rent.
- About $2 billion on services and supplies.
- Nearly $500 million on food and medical costs.
- Another $500 million on IT, administrative and other costs.
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