2005-09-12 10:28:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-14 17:54:52编辑过]
I registered a course when I was F2 in Spring 2003, and it counts toward my degree. The law must have changed a lot since then.
If I were you, I would ask student advisors at ISO in detail. I went to Mexico to have my visa changed from F2 to F1, but nowadays it is more popular to go through the university. So they are the authority to help you with this question since you will need to go through them later.
Good luck
我们这边的OIS明确的说F2不能选跟将来入program有关的课程,说转成F1的时候可能问题不大,将来转H1的时候也许会有问题。他的原话是这样的“we don't know the consequence, it might or might not affect your status transfer to H1 in the future. It's all at your own risk." 而且他坚决让我不要这样做。
但很多人选了课的,一样顺利转f1和H1,所以说是at your own risk
what course do you wanna take?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-14 17:58:52编辑过]
document.write (usercolor('10','weewee'));
weewee你的情况现在如何啊,我本科是有高数,线代的课程了,好象没统计的课程,你的呢?我的msn是[email protected]可多交流啊.....
weewee你的情况现在如何啊,我本科是有高数,线代的课程了,好象没统计的课程,你的呢?我的msn是[email protected]可多交流啊
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