[求助]有没有自己办过H1B的mm? 快来救我
2005-09-26 21:25:00
好不容易有个offer,在朋友极力鼓动下决定自己办. 可没想到问题这么多, 再去找律师吧, 一怕来不及,二又不甘心, 自己连petition信的写好了
1. 小公司, 今年刚成立, 没有tax return, 如果公司能提供成立后每个月的财务报表, 是不是就可以了?
2. 公司注册在A地, 工作全在B地, A地可能收不到信, 那表格上所有的公司地址填A, 还是填B呢?
3. 需要特别指出申请20,000个硕士名额,还是他们一看是硕士,就放到硕士申请中去了?
可是律师并不guaratee我一定能拿到H1B.我担心找的律师如果就填填表格,材料搜集一下寄过去跟我干的一样, 还不如不找. 请大家推荐推荐费城地区比较好的律师. 谢谢了
律师不能guarantee,但好的律师会在job title, job duty 等方面使你申请成功的把握更大,这恐怕不容易自己做到。觉得mm也不应该拘泥于附近的律师,还是打听一下哪个好找哪个吧。
H1 is not that hard, if the company meets requirements(size, rev etc) and the foreigner has enough credential. However, in your case, the company is very fishy. Brand new tiny company, do you know how to justify that it absolutely has to hire foreigners instead of US citizen? This is when an attorney can bring in value. Due to their experience and training, they know how to convince whoever review your case.
A few thousand $ and your job/status, which one is more important? you should be able to make an intelligent decision.
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