how long does a on-site interview take??
2005-10-04 13:10:00
This is the first time i try to find a job.
I am in the east coast, and a very good company in the west coast offered me a site interview.
He said that "your visit date will be about 2 to 3 weeks from now ", can I pick a date that is 4.5 weeks from now? Will the employer be unhappy?
I wonder how long does a on-site interview take (including travel time from the east coast to the west coast)? If I have something important (a very good on-campus interview) on Thursday, can I go on-site on that Friday?
Thanks a lot!!!
是啊, 如果人家说2-3周from now, 你要求4.5周, 人家会不高兴, 觉得你不积极。
我觉得2-3周, 最好选2周的时候去, 不要拖到最后。就象楼上说的。先入为主, 很多hiring manager碰上一个合适的人, 很喜欢, 就不大考虑后面的candidates了。
最好不要拖了,早一点interview比较好,通常大公司interview时间都会比较长,我知道ibm research是两天时间,要见14,5个人,从早到晚,都要虚脱了
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