[新手求助] 怎样从canada move到 US
2006-04-05 18:04:00
我8月就要搬家到美国了,现在正在考虑钱怎么弄过去呢,我现在已经有一个跟gg的joint bank account,
就直接用wire transfer好么?
还有我的credit card怎么处理呢?需要关掉么?
Wire transfer may cost you a small fee. But it is doable. Or perhaps you could first convert your Canadian dollar into US dollar and write yourself a check, then deposit it into your US bank account.
Close all your Canadian credit card account. There are tons of sweet credit card deals up here in the US.
Wire transfer may cost you a small fee. But it is doable. Or perhaps you could first convert your Canadian dollar into US dollar and write yourself a check, then deposit it into your US bank account.
Close all your Canadian credit card account. There are tons of sweet credit card deals up here in the US.
agree, you will need to convert your money into US dollar first.
When you close your bank account in Canada, you can ask the bank to issue you a cashiers check at no cost. And after you come to US, you can deposit the check into your joint account.
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