怎么才知道退休后social security我们可以拿多少呀
2006-05-29 22:56:00
怎么才知道退休后social security我们可以拿多少呀?因为每个人交的金额不同,时间长短不同。如果要好好的计划退休后的生活,那么至少我应该给自己一个目标呀,比如以后退休一个月要有4000的话。其中social security给多少,401K给多少,其他的给多少。
我对social security和 401K最后到底一个月会给我们多少完全不清楚。
不是说Social security到2040年左右就全部没有了吗?
不要报这个希望。 社安计划有根本的flaw.没有什么特别的办法可以解决的。 让它自己破产是最好的办法。
unfortunately we will pay for other people's retirement, and we have to take care of ourselved.
a even bigger problem is the medicare!
401k is up to yourself to decide what you like to distribute every month. there are limitations, you have to start to distribute at certain age and etc.
4000 a month is not enough. For preparation, i would recommend you to completely give up any hope for get money from ss and medicare. so basically if you pay off your mortgage already, then what you will need is:
basic food + utility + property tax + house maintainence + some travel + long term care expense (when you are much older) + helath care expenses.
I say for a couple, they will probably need 3000 - 4000 to begin with (no mortgage), and increase that amount annually 10% the least. for our generation, it will be much harder te retire if you do not want to burden your children.
我是个比较喜欢argue 的人, 请你不要介意。
而且你要看 反对的是什么人, 支持的是什么人。反对的大部份是年纪大的, 退休的和接近退休的, 因为直接损伤他们的利益, 而且他们是选举投票中最主要的, 为什么民主党那么大声的反对ss私有帐户, 很大程度上市为了拉选票
年轻人大部分是支持的, 我希望完全私有话, 这样我可以自己manage, 政府ss的投资是及其没有效率和回报的, 因为不是他们的money, they will not care how much return they got from investment.
ss 必然破产, 因为它建立在一个flaw 的assumption 上, 这个假设在ss设立之初, make perfect sense, not any more. 学science 的知道, 很多理论都是建立在假设之上的, 假设不成立的化, 这个理论就完全错了。 从以前的退休金计划, 到现在的ss, 其实我们在重复自己的错误。
medicare, neither republican or demacrat will even tough it! it is the biggest problem I can forsee..
Those who were against the SS reform are poor people, not senior people. Bush has made it very clear that the reform won't change the benefit for those people. the new plan only affect young people.
I am not saying the current SS is good system, I am just saying it won't collapse so soon as Bush claimed. I don't think SS is in big trouble now. I drew such conclusion not because I have any solid evidence. My feeling is, if it's really in trouble, both parties would try to fix it righ away. However it's only used as a tool for some political benefit for each party now.
If SS system really collapsed, poor people would be impacted more. However democratic party, as the representative of poor people, stopped Bush from doing any change to SS. This thing itself shows that SS is not in trouble.
I felt in this country, news reporters always try to create some 'hype' on anything they reported, from SS collapsing to global warming. Do we still remember how they described the world would be when Y2k comes? We were supposed to live in big chaos. did we?
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