2006-07-13 17:31:00
评股论金和xyin呢? 能否讨论讨论最近的股市?
虽然最近股市也有长的时候, 但总体是跌的, 难道我们真的进入了熊市? 利率长的因素应该是已经考虑进去了的, 但股市依然是不振作, 大家说说什么原因呢?
朝鲜那个事情, 我觉得美国有些小题大作; 现在股市是真糟糕, 但有些不明白为什么? 所以很希望大家随便说说, 重雪你觉得现在的市场到底告诉我们什么呢?
我没有什么特别的想法,还是xyin和评股论金对股市颇有了解。我只想说的是现在市场走向紧跟国际动荡,现在夏天busy driving season,原油价格短期不会下浮,还有其它一些因素(如下),股市肯定会又波又动。
8/4: July unemployment data
8/10: June trade balance data
8/16: July CPI data
bond 也不好? 我还以为股市不好, bond会好些呢。 tetrahedral 你为什么买bond呢? bond怎么买呢? 我没买过, 有些好奇。
夏天的股市一般总是不太好, 但好像今年的特糟, 房市也开始不好了, 在加上inflation, 美国会不会像日本那样, 10几年在底部徘徊?
refer to my previous post, i started to build positions in GLD, SLV and TIE since end of june. since then GLD and SLV gave me very good returns. altho TIE took a big dump recently, I added more today and yesterday 26, 24.
I am very patiently build my positions. Altho when I posted last time end of June, I thought there maybe a better buying opportunities in august, I think because of the war, this opportunities maybe already presented itself to us. However, the war situation is not very clear. altho i am very tempted to buy more, i know i should be patient. If a few months later, this did become one of the best buying opportunitie of the year, I would not feel regret to miss to load fully up here.
I am not paying too much attention to the overall market any more. so can't speak for other stocks. I have very limtied time, I will only trade the ones I have researched and keeping my eyes on the ongoing progress.
Happy investing and trading.
bond 也不好? 我还以为股市不好, bond会好些呢。 tetrahedral 你为什么买bond呢? bond怎么买呢? 我没买过, 有些好奇。
夏天的股市一般总是不太好, 但好像今年的特糟, 房市也开始不好了, 在加上inflation, 美国会不会像日本那样, 10几年在底部徘徊?
bond 也不好? 我还以为股市不好, bond会好些呢。 tetrahedral 你为什么买bond呢? bond怎么买呢? 我没买过, 有些好奇。
夏天的股市一般总是不太好, 但好像今年的特糟, 房市也开始不好了, 在加上inflation, 美国会不会像日本那样, 10几年在底部徘徊?
今天很象双底啊。。 不过依赖TA,是很危险的一件事。 但是我非常tempting认为今天是双底。。
我一般来说, new low 要test, 在这次中东危机前, 我认为这个test 会在大概8月份, 中东危机可能使这个test 提前了。
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